3/8/17 Yay!

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Today was another really successful, really great appointment! The pain was even less AND my physical therapist was able to stick an entire finger inside. I know that doesn't seem like a big deal but if you have been following my story, well you know :).
There was one point where the pain got really intense but as long as I can relax myself it goes away. It's all about finding the trigger points and getting them to relax and go away. It's kind of a weird process because it's very personal. For half an hour she was sticking her finger inside of my vagina, holding it there, moving it around, finding the painful spots and staying there until I could relax them and have them start to go away. She also works on stretching my muscles out which is painful but not horribly so. So you can imagine, it's a very personal, uncomfortable encounter which is why it's so important to be in constant communication and trust your doctor. If I didn't trust Dr. Sullivan or didn't like her I don't think this process would work as well as it has been.
So I started with the first smallest dilator and I'm already ready for the second one. I will start tomorrow since I'm pretty sore today. Dr. Sullivan says it's likely that my fiancé and I will be able to attempt sex in the next 3-4 weeks. Needless to say we are both very happy to hear this news.
Wow this has been an incredible journey, I can't believe after years and years of failure how quickly things are improving!
Thanks to everyone who has kept up with the story and sent messages, you guys are the best :) I will be answering questions again soon, so keep an eye out for another update!

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