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A few questions I've been asked, if yours isn't answered and I didn't pm you my answer then look back it probably means I've answered it already.

Q: What do the dilators feel like?
A: they're plastic and cold lol kind of a weird thing to use when you're trying to get ready for sex right? Cause they're nothing like an actual penis. I use silicone ones to start off, but the plastic ones are essential because they stretch you. Usually a woman's vagina stretches all on its own in sex no problem, but I need to stretch to get rid of the pain and teach my muscles not to react negatively.

Q: Is your fiancé excited about sexual?
A: duh lol! But no it's a valid question I guess considering all we've been through. He's excited and nervous because he doesn't want to hurt me. He knows it's not gonna be great at first but the more we do it the better it gets. So he's excited for the later part I guess lol.

Q: What depression medication are you on?
A: Cymbalta, 60mg. It's secondary benefit also happens to be for nerve pain so that's cool too haha.

Q: How do you just breathe pain away?
A: this question was actually really long so I narrowed it down to that lol. Uh you just do? I think the breathing just relaxes your muscles and then they stop contracting which causes the pain.

Q: what happens if your problem gets triggered again?
A: I go back to physical therapy :( it's very possible that this is something I struggle with for a long time, that I have long periods of good then a few bumps in the rode where I need to go back to therapy. It was a daunting thought at first but I'm fine with it now.

Q: What's your advice for someone who thinks they might have this?
A: go see a doctor. Don't wait. Nobody is gonna judge you, doctors WANT you to bring up your problems, it's what they joined their career for!

Q: How much does pt cost?
A: impossible to say, it depends where you go. At my place without insurance probably around $200/session. With my insurance $30/session. My sessions last about 30-45 minutes

Q: was there any other way to fix this without the surgery?
A: I wasn't given an alternative so I think no. If it was hormonal related they would have put me on hormones but since it wasn't then no. Maybe they could perform a nerve block? But who wants that, then I'd be numb down there lol! No thanks!

Q: has this effected your relationship really negatively?
A: no, actually it's made our relationship stronger.

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