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          My physical therapist texted me today and asked if I was still going through with pt...oops. Okay I admit, I haven't been proactive about scheduling my next appointments. I started strong!! I made four Wednesday morning at 9:15 appointments, and they all got canceled because she didn't have the part for the biofeedback! And then she told me a week ago that it finally arrived...but now I'm scared. I don't want to go back!! I mean I do yeah, I do I totally do. But I really totally don't. Just thinking about it gives me a ton of stress.

           So I ask...have how do you all deal with a large amount of stress? Do any of you suffer from chronic pain? How do you deal with that, especially if you go to painful physical therapy for it? I know we can't compare pain, its just not comparable but damn I need some advice. How do I kick my butt in gear to do what I need to do? The more I put this off the worse it will get and the worse I will be mentally. But I'm also afraid of the starting it again because it is painful physically and emotionally. See my dilemma? Any advice is welcome! I' m going to make my appointment tomorrow...I will, I will, I will.

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