The End

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Okay guys, I'm kinda sad to say but I'm going to end my updates here. We are close to having sex and my pt is going very well, progressing each day.
For the sake of mine and my fiancé's privacy I am not going to update our sex life lol I end the oversharing of information here.
I am so thankful for all of the support you all have shown me. You have made a change in my life, and given me the confidence to write this story.
I reached over 3,000 people and got TONS of messages, lots of encouragement, lots of questions and even some girls thanking me because it gave them the courage to seek help for their problem. And guess what...not ONE negative comment this whole time. So thank you. Thank you so, so much.
I will continue to write my other book "My Week in a Psych Ward" if you're interested in that time of my life, and I will probably start some creative stuff on here eventually :)
Please look out for yourselves y'all. If you have a problem, seek help now! There is no problem too embarrassing to talk to a doctor about. They want to help you, they want to know. Never feel ashamed about your body, even if you think it's your fault.
I wish you all love and peace, and thank you again for reading!


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