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I scheduled four physical therapy appointments today. I'm in hell you guys lol. I am so nervous I really REALLY don't want to do this. I almost hung up while it was ringing but instead went right through. The woman on the other line gave me hell, if you go like two weeks without an appointment they want an updated referral from a doctor...even though they're the ones who canceled my last appointments with my pt. I had to argue my way back into the system because I'll be dammed if I have to go to another doctor then refill out that like 15 pages of paperwork for the fifth time to get back in with the doctor who I've been talking to weekly.
        Anyways besides that I'm seriously dreading this. I know it's going to be painful and I wonder if I'm gonna have another freaking anxiety attack...we shall see. But I'm a little proud of myself for finally setting up some appointments haha, took long enough right??

My Taboo DiseaseDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora