Flirting // Ezekiel Elliott

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This is for DiamondDavis901 hope you like it love.


I kept looking at my phone. Why you may ask? I'm currently anxiously waiting for my girlfriend to land in Dallas. I haven't seen her in so long since she lives in New York and now that I play for The Cowboys, I moved to Dallas.Its hard for me to make time for her as horrible as that sounds. I'm always busy, being at practice,meetings, away games etc., so while she is in town I'm going to spend as much time as I possibly can with her.

I turned around and I felt someone run up to me, giving me a bone crushing hug. I looked down and realized it was Diamond. My baby Diamond.

"Hey there baby girl"
I wrapped my arms around her and picked her up giving her a kiss on her cheek.

"I missed you so much Zeke"
I put her down and cupped her cheeks with my hands.

"I missed you too Diamond"
I brought her face closer to mines, bringing her lips to mine.We pulled away and I reached down to the floor and picked up her bags. I reached out for her hand with my free one and interlocked out finger while walking out to my truck. I let go of her hand and took out the keys, unlocking it.

"Go on in, it's open."
She walked to the passenger side and got in. After putting her bags in the trunk, I walked over to the drivers side and got in. Starting the car, I made my way towards the Cowboys facility.

"Where are we going babe?"

"I'm taking you to the facility, the guys will be there so you'll meet them too"
I looked over to her and noticed her facial expression. She was nervous.

"Don't worry baby, they'll love you. I know they will."
I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze for reassurance.

She just nodded. I pulled into the parking lot of the facility and parked the truck.

"You ready?"

"Nope, but let's go"
I took the keys out of the ignition and got out of the truck.I walked over to Diamonds side and opened the door for her. I held out my hand for her which she gladly took. She got out and stood there admiring the building.

"Wow, its huge"
She looked at the building in awe.

"You should see the inside"
I grabbed her hand, interlocking our fingers and pulled her towards the front entrance. I pushed the door open and held it for her as she walked in, following right behind her.

The first person I noticed was Jerry and Jason.

"Hey Zeke, how are you?"
Coach Jason gave me a bro hug and Jerry Shook my hand.

"I'm fine, I want to introduce you to a special someone"
I looked to my right where Diamond was supposed to be but she wasn't there.

I felt someone grab my arm and hold on to it.I turned my head to the side and saw Diamond's short frame hiding behind my larger one.I grabbed her hands and pulled her next to me.

"Guys, this is my girlfriend, Diamond."
Diamond gave them a smile and put her hand out for a handshake.

"Hi I'm Diamond, it's nice to meet you"
She shook Jason and Jerrys hand then came back to her spot, which was next to me.

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