Chapter Four

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Meanwhile, I'm fighting to get back control of my body. I hate not being able to say anything. I want to comfort Dean and tell him it wasn't his fault.

I can tell he is beating himself up, in true Dean Winchester fashion, and I hate to be the cause of his pain. I at least want to be able to open my eyes to see them, it's awkward to only be able to hear and feel.

Then I hear Sam say something that simultaneously fills me with joy and breaks my heart.

"You've definitely earned your status as our sister." Sam says with a hitch in his breathing. "You're strong but broken, just like us. Please come back, Sleeping Beauty." he pleads. "The doctors say that if you don't fully wake up soon, then you may never be able to."

I'm trying! I think as I fight to gain more control.

I'm overjoyed to hear him call me 'sister' without it being a cover. We may have only know each other for a few days, but I feel like I've gotten pretty close to them. I've told them stuff my own family never knew. They've seen me at my most vulnerable and they've even glimpsed my bad side.

I renew my efforts with a new strength and manage to squeeze both their hands. It's really weak, barely even a squeeze really, but I'm thrilled with my progress. I feel them squeeze back and hear Dean say happily, "We should tell her doctor that she is beginning to wake up."

He must hit the call button because not long after he says that, I hear a new voice.

"What's wrong?" a male voice says.

"She's beginning to wake up, Doc." Dean replies, "She moved her pinkies and squeezed our hands."

That must be the doctor, I realize.

"That's excellent news!" he says. "She must really be fighter."

I feel his presence, as he must be checking my vitals.

"There is definitely a slight increase in brain activity." he says. "Call me if anything else changes." He then walks out of the room.

I decide to focus my efforts on opening my eyes. After another couple of hours, I slowly blink them open, then immediately squeeze them shut again as I'm met by a blinding light.

"I think she opened her eyes!" I hear Sam exclaim excitedly.

"Caitlin? Can you show us your beautiful hazel eyes?" Dean asks hopefully.

I slowly open them again to a blurry world. As my eyes adjust, as much as they can without my glasses, I recognize two blobs that must be Sam and Dean.

"This is becoming a bad habit, Sleeping Beauty." Dean scolds lightly, sounding relieved now that my eyes are open.

I manage a weak smile around the ventilator tube as Sam hits the call button. The doctor reenters the room. "Oh good, she's fully awake." he states as he walks toward my bed.

He checks the machines again and turns to the brothers. "Her vitals are much better. We can probably remove the tube and switch to an oxygen cannula instead."

"That sounds great, doc." Dean says happily.

"If you two will hold her down, I'll extract it." The doctor suggests.

Sam and Dean each put their weight on my arms and legs as the doctor pulls the tube out. I weakly struggle since it feels really uncomfortable, but soon it's out and a cannula replaces it.

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