Chapter Four

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No. Just simply no.

A therapist? For me?

Someone who would try to get me to talk to know every dirty little secret about me? Someone who would press out information of me so they could get money for that? Someone I didn't know at all would know my whole life story?

I didn't even answer my mum, didn't even look her way. Just made my way upstairs to my room to think.

Not to cry or to realize what my life turned out to be. I just thought about myself. For once.


"Good morning class. Today is about world war 2 and the novels that were written in this time. Who knows something about that?", Mrs Devon asked us.

Almost everyone raised their hand, except me. I was too lost in my thoughts and I could also feel Mr Malik's eyes falling on me a few times. What was he thinking?

Mrs Devon didn't call me out a single time. After our "talk" her attitude torwards me changed. She was different to me now. Not overly nice and cool and pityfull, rather leaving me alone, not picking at me anymore...

After school my mum told me that my first appointment with Mrs Tempest would be in 2 hours. My first appointment with the therapist.

I wouldn't go there anyway so what was the point.

"Rain... please. Just look at it as an opportunity to get better. To be happy again. I care about you. I want you to live a great life with a great future..."

She kept on talking and talking about stuff she told me around a hundert times already.

It's not that it meant nothing to me, of course it did. It's just, it makes me feel bad about myself. I didn't want to worry and bother anyone with my problems.

After I ate my lunch, which consisted of a single tomato, I made my way upstairs to get ready.

When I went out I didn't even look at my mum. I was too caught up. Still depending wether to actually  go to the appointment and see what they got to help me or just ditch it and go sit somewhere alone.

The second option seemed more appealing to me at first. But the thought of what happened the last time I decided to go sit somewhere alone frightened me. I was still afraid something like this would happen a second time.

What if they planned revenge on me? Or if they stil want to "finish their business"?

"Woah, easy there, Rain. Everything okay?"

Mr Malik. I couldn't see him now! I was in the middle of deep thoughts, I sure as hell would blabber something I would regret later!

I didn't say a word  til he greeted me with a little "hi". 

"Hello Mr Malik."

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