Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Can you explain me... everything with Ms Devon? I'm still confused", I asked as he now stopped all his movements to look me directly in the eyes.

I noticed how his usually calm and leaned back posture shifted into a stiff and distanced one in the matter of seconds.

"Zayn?", I dared to ask scared of what his answer could be.

"Ms Devon and I... we liked each other immediately when we saw each other for the first time", he answered truthfully his gaze fixed on the ground.

My heart cracked audibly but I swallowed a large gulp and removed all our touching limbs.

"Carry on", I pushed him.

"She flirted with me. Like really. Had no shame. And then she asked me out on a date. Well she didn't really ask, she just stated it like it was already said and done. Like 'Zayn, we'll go out tomorrow, 8 pm. Already called the restaurant.'"

Restaurant? So all that fancy, romantic, grown up kind of date.

Not something you'd do with your student.

"Why didn't you tell me. And why didn't you say no", I asked confused. The pain in my cracking voice was prominent.

"She asked me before we two like were a couple. And after you, you know, left, I said no. I swear I did. I'm not that type of guy to cheat. You know me", he almost begged and I felt bad for making him beg.

"Zayn... I trust you, you know that. But I don't trust her. And the fact that you two liked or like each other before we two met and were a couple is... a lot to take in I guess. I'm sorry"

He looked at me with confusion filling his soft brown eyes.

"What are you sorry for?", he asked.

I looked away, not really knowing what to answer.

"I'm sorry for not letting you explain and all", I explained truthfully looking up at him. His eyes held some weakness I couldn't yet define.

Seeing his weaker side made me feel a whole lot more comfortable around him, before I felt like he was superior but I knew that he wasn't all that problem free either. It relieved me.

"Zayn?", I asked after minutes of silence and thinking.

He murmured something signaling me to carry on while scratching his stubble. While doing so his jaw ached to an unbelievable angle and I had to look away in order for being able to carry on my question without stuttering. He really was beautiful, there was no way denying it.

"Tell me about you", I said, looking up at him again as he lowered his hand to his lap again and starred at me with confusion filling his eyes.

"What do you want to know?", he asked back, clearly not used to this type of questions.

"Just tell me a story about you. A life changing experience maybe. Or a memory. Just anything."

Zayn looked at me as if I was out of my mind. Maybe I was.

"How do I start? Uhm... usually when I was younger and people asked me this questions all they wanted to hear was some information that could put me to jail. So excuse my confusion and unease here", he chuckled lightly but I just waited for him to carry on. This was the real Zayn speaking. The one with weakness in his eyes.

"Uhm, my parents raised me all good and well behaved. Very traditional and religionous as well, you know. I'm muslim. So I basically was a perfect A-Grader until like seventh grade maybe", he started. It looked like he was in some kind of personal flashback, remembering all the days from birth until now.

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