Chapter Twenty

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"Is our date tonight still on?", she asked in her obnoxious high pitched voice.

Was he being serious?

Somehow I couldn't blame Ms Devon because honestly she didn't know about us and I guess it was just normal nature for her to have a date with someone and didn't think much about it. Even thought I was pretty sure Mr Johnson wouldn't be all to pleased finding out two of the teachers were in an unprofessional relationship.

Well, neither would he be pleased about Zayn's and mine relationship.

Without thinking about it I started walking at a pace that was acceptable as running and made my way out of this hell in mere seconds. The school building never held good memories for me.

What bothered me the most, thought, was that I honestly trusted him and he got mad seeing me with Jonah yesterday and now he did the same thing to me.

Was this his revenge?

He gave me a chance to explain myself and my actions thought. Maybe I should, too.

This is all too much.

My head felt like bursting any moment and my heart had the strong urge to beat up to my neck.

It started raining.

I didn't mind the rain as much as other people did. I quite liked it. It was soothing. Alone the sound of it had something rhythmical that somehow always matched with the pulsating of my heart.

So I stopped moving and stood still on my spot.

The rain fell down on me in literal showers and if this place wasn't so abandoned I sure must have looked insane to bystanders.

My hair dampened and stuck to my face and wet sweater. Skinny jeans were the most annoying when they were wet thought. But at that moment I had other sorrows that that.

Waking up from my trance made me realize that the wetness of my face wasn't only caused by the weather situation.

Slowly I streched my face towards the grey thick clouds on the sky which were still heavily crying. Almost as if they felt with me.

'You are not that important, Rain. Clouds have other reasons to cry about. Like people dying. Your problems are nothing.'


This voice was unfamiliar. I've never heard it before. It sounded faint but firm and I knew it was there.

"Rain, can you see me?", the voice asked, a nasty taste in the way it was pronounced.

Hastily I turned around looking where the voice was coming from but without any luck. There was nothing besides grass and trees.

"Rain, I see you, do you see me?", the frightening voice called again making me run a bit until I saw a shadow infront of me rushing across my path.

"Who are you?", I screamed desperately searching for an explanation. What was happening right now?

"I'll come back, Rain. I'll never leave you. We'll go through thick and thin now", it whispered, sounding as if it was directly behind me.

Right the second I turned around to catch it a major headache pounding in my brain distracted me and somehow woke me from my panic.

Before I could adjust to normality thought, my mind was tinted in pitch black and and my ears peeped really loudly. Immediately my hands flew to my ears in an attempt to stop the anguishing sound and my head grew heavy, making me fall to the ground. And soon I was vanquished by unconsciousness.

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