Chapter Sixteen

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This time his hand didn't leave mine after he took it in his as we were on our way to his house. It was so much warmer than before when he was lifting my chin. The few glances I could cast at him without him noticing and flashing me one of his teasing smiles where only one side of his lips would pull up and his eyes would narrow slighty showed me his calm face but slightly red cheeks, something like a rosy flush but somehow his literally perfect face could still manage to make it look handsome and not girly or embarrassing at all.

Since when was I this sappy?

Oh right, since I somehow got involved with my assistant teacher romantically. Well, at least kissing was 'getting romantically involved with someone' for me.

It was quiet between us but not awkward, more like a calming silence. We both knew what each of us was thinking about and definitely it concerned about the person besides of us individually. 

I didn't even notice we arrived at his house I was in just a few days ago. Zayn took out his set of keys shortly searching for the right one before he found it and unlocked it. The nice smell that hung in the whole house immediately hit my nostrils making my smelling scent very happy.

"Did i ever tell you that your house smells really good? Like not a perfume smell or something chemical, I think you've been gifted with a naturally good smelling house", I observed looking around the living room just like I did the first time I was in here.

He grinned and took of his leather jacket revealing his grey shirt fully. There was a rose print, like a tattoo design, printed on the right sight of his chest. "Oh, that's just me", he replied making me raise my eyebrows slightly. I could never lift just one brow, it just wasn't in my blood. Not that I ever needed to do that.

"Are you sure about that?", I shot back daring to look at him directly, something that I would've never been able to do a week ago. I earned a short laughter from him causing me to smile a bit, too, but i tried to suppress it to keep the act.

"You, my dear, are one: A disastrous actress, and second: So unbelievably cute while trying to suppress a smile. Why have I never seen this side of you?", he asked teasingly, not exactly expecting an answer. I didn't even have an answer to that, because he just called me cute and beautiful in one day and I also didn't even know what was wrong with me acting weird like this. And me being a disastrous actress wasn't something I wasn't aware of yet. Oh, and also he called me his dear.

I didn't even notice he was standing so close to me when he suddenly started muttering about how I was not so daring after all now. My heart decided to pick up it's beating pace and my legs weakend at his closeness. Zayn chuckled before he flopped on the so comfortabe looking sofa taking out his phone to check the time.

"We have one hour before you have to be back at home. What should we do?"

 "I don't know, what do have to offer here?", I asked him back.

"Well I've got something in mind but I think we should take it slow, right? Aren't you hot in your hoodie? Don't you want to take it off? I mean, not in a pervert way"

Indeed, it was pretty warm here and the hoodie didn't do anything for the better so I decided to actually take it off. Luckily I still had a T-shirt on underneath that.

I excused myself to go to the bathroom I spotted next to the kitchen which made him laugh.

"You don't have to, I'll even close my eyes, okay?"

I thought about it for a second but then agreed nervously. Zayn placed his hands in front of his eyes looking in the opposite direction. In lightening speed I took my hoodie and lifted my arms pulling it off quickly.

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