Chapter Six

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Whenever I felt bad about something I did, I always tried to push it away. I didn't think about it any further. I wanted to push it to the back of my head and never think about it again.
But I guess this system worked like a bottle of water. If you keep pouring water into the bottle it won't take long until it's full and the water will get to much and pour out.
It was the same with my regrets. They would pour out at some point. Not yet maybe, but soon.

After English class I made my way home because I was feeling sick. I felt like throwing up any minute.

"Rain, is that you? Why are you home so early, was the sickness getting to you?", my dad yelled from the living room.

After I put away my bag and took off my coat and my shoes I made my way to him.

"Don't worry, I was just not feeling well enough to stay at school. Nothing serious, I bet. I'll just rest for some hours, I should feel better in the morning."

My dad nodded and pushed his glasses back to his eyes after it has fallen down to the tip. It always fell down there, I guess his glasses were way to big.

"Oh, before you go upstairs, Rain, Mrs Tempest called, asking if you could call her back to make a new appointment with her. How is Mrs Tempest doing her job anyways? Is she good?"

Not now, please. I sighed.

"I'll call her up, I need some rest right now, dad, okay?"
He smiled while nodding and motioned for me to go upstairs. 


"Rain? It's late already, wake up! You'll be late for school!" 

Celestia woke me from my sleep. Which, I might say, I valued a lot. 

"Cel, I'm not going today, I'm feeling to sick, tell mum and dad to call up my school, please.", I asked her and she nodded and wished me to get well soon. After that I fell asleep again. 

I needed sleep. It was the only time of my life where I was worry free. Where I could actually collect the needed power for my day. 

When I woke up it was late midday already but I was feeling much better than before. My headache was gone. Just my nose was still pretty swollen and I couldn't smell anything.

"Dear, are you good enough for a quick run to the grocery store maybe? I can't go at the moment because grandma is going to call any minute and I really need some cake ingredients for grandma's and grandpa's visit tomorrow. Do you think you could make it?", my mum requested from me. 

Of course I told her I could. I didn't want her to have too much stress. Every time when my grandparents visited us she was in a lot of stress, especially if it was dad's parents. Also I wasn't feeling sick after all and I could just easily take some nose drops and I'd be all good.

"Are you sure, dear? I can just call dad and tell him to bring some after he's finished at work... oh wait, I'm sorry, he has to build up that closet in Cel's room, I can't leave the cartoons their, oh dear... Rain, thank you very much, there's money on the little table in the hall, you can take that, and when you're at the store already, you can get yourself a goody, okay? Just buy anything you'd like with the leftover money." See? That's what I meant by "stressed". 

"Don't worry, mum, it's all good. I'll be back in ten." And with that I rushed out of the house.

The weather was as bad as always. It was raining and I forgot to bring an umbrella again. 

There weren't a lot of people on the streets. After all, it was still school time. That should explain it. The grocery store is luckily really nearby so I only had to walk a short distance. 

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