Chapter Seventeen

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I love you, Rain Marlin Appleby. I love you even thought I know I shouldn't.

Waking up with a smile on my face was something that rarely happened to me, especially in those last few months, so when I opened my eyes this sunny morning with both corners of my mouth pulled up the surprise was huge. A good mood was what I needed in the morning to get through the day.

Throwing on my usual sweater and jeans, doing my hygiene and pulling my hair up to my usual ponytail I skipped breakfast like I did so often lately and hurried out of the door before anyone could notice.

I've lost so much weight and I loved it. Still not enough but much better than I used to. Not fat anymore. No one could call me that terrible name now. Skipping meals and eating less was much easier than it has been in the beginning but luckily I did have enough patience to get through with it and now look where I was.

Of course I was there two hours earlier than everyone else. Just as I always have been, just recently I neglected that habit a bit but I decided to get used to it again, since I realized that I needed that two hours in the morning to calm and get ready for the day. I had a feeling today I wouldn't need as much time to prepare myself.

As soon as I was in the school I pulled out my book, which was 'Paper Towns' by John Green at the moment. I could spend ours talking about John Green now again but I held back myself.

Since summer time has begun the sun was pretty strong already and It threw a nice light for me to properly see the letters and words on the pages in the book and read them. 

Today I also had my phone with me in school for the first time. Zayn had made me look at that device like a maniac sometimes just waiting for a call or a message sometimes. No need to explain who from.

Forgetting the time the school's bell woke me from my reading trance and the loud talking and playing around from the other students took over my senses making me sigh in disappointment.

"Move, would ya?!", some girl I've never seen before spat at me harshly pushing me aside to make her way indoor. What was in her breakfast this morning? Rude people annoyed me so much, she could've just asked nicely, couldn't she?

I picked myself up swinging my backpack over my shoulder to make my way inside as everyone else did. There wouldn't be English lesson today which made me relieved and sad at the same time. Relieved because there wouldn't be any awkwardness when he sat next to me as my assistant English teacher and someone who loved me even thought he knew he shouldn't as he claimed at the same time. Sad because obviously I really wanted to see him anyway.

"Appleby! Wait!"


I began walking quicker pretending I didn't hear Jonah calling my last name, my eyes wide in horror as I looked straight to the ground and I bumped into someone.

"Hey, slow there, Rain. What's going on?" Zayn. He was here, I wanted to hug him as the horror was still pulsing in my veins making my face look as red as a cherry tomato probably.

"Rain, are you okay? You can let go of my arm now", he continued warning me with his last sentence a bit so we wouldn't appear suspicious to others. Immediately my hard clutching hand left his arm which was clad in his expensive looking, black blazer.

"Sorry", I muttered trying to calm myself which didn't have much of a success since I basically had just fled from the person who had planned horrible things with me.

And I couldn't tell anyone.

Feeling the tears in the corner of my eyes I whispered a rushed goodbye at Zayn and then ran towards rest rooms to wash my face and stop myself from crying.

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