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I quietly hum to myself as I clean up some things in the library. Hmmm...I haven't seen Chrom all day...I wonder what his plan for today is...

"Hey, Anna. Are you in here?" I hear Chrom whisper.

I turn to the sound of his voice. "Yeah, I'm over here," I whisper back.

Chrom finds me and smiles. "There you are! How have you been?" He asks, never breaking eye contact with me.

I smile back at him. "I'm doing just fine! Anyway's, did you need something?" I ask.

Chrom laughs and smiles even wider at me. "Oh, no. I just wanted to see you, that's all! So! Do you come here often?" He asks.

"Uhh, yeah...I know this. This is where I am when I'm not working." I say.

"Oh, right! Of course! That is so like you! Haha!" Chrom says, keeping that stupid grin of his.

I raise an eyebrow. "Chrom...? Are you ok? Do you want me to go and get Lissa?" I ask.

Chrom just laughs my comment off. "Oh, Anna! You and that great humor of yours! I'm perfectly fine now that I am with you!" He says.

"Chrom, you're scaring me."

"What is there to be scared about? Is it too dark in here? Did you see a spider? Is someone cooking with eggplants today?" He asks.

"Shhh! I told you not to say anything about my eggplant phobia! And I'm scared of your weird behavior! You're never like this! What is going on?" I ask.

Chrom laughs again. "Nothing! I just love talking to you, my love!" He says.

Just as I'm about to say something else, I noticed that Chrom's left hand has been behind his back the whole time. "Chrom, what is behind your back?" I ask.

"W-what? Nothing! Nothing at all! Nope!"

I glare at him then quickly punch his stomach, making him double over. The object flies out of his hand and drops to the floor. I pick it up and squint my eyes to better see the title in the dim light. "'Flirting Made Easy: A beginners guide to flirting.' Are you kidding me?" I ask.

Chrom flashes me a sheepish smile and stands back up. "Heheh...It wasn't really working, was it?" He asks.

I sigh. "No. No, it wasn't. You can't flirt for the life of you, even when you have a book," I say.

Chrom laughs. "If it's any consolation, that hurt me to do both physically and mentally," He says.

I laugh as well "Oh gods...You're such a dork!"


So this happened. Yeah, sorry this was kinda short, I just have no idea how to flirt. I have nothing else to say. Thank you for reading, and look forward to tomorrow!

Currently listening to: Madder Sky: Code Geass OST

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