Holding Hands

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"Ok, this is quite cheesy, dear."

"Oh, whatever. You know you enjoy it!"

I groan and lean onto Chrom's side. "Shut up,"

Chrom, being the loveable dork that he is, took an idea out of any love story ever, and decided we should have a relaxing moonlit walk. Hand in hand.

Chrom kisses my cheek. "Hey," he complains. "I can be romantic when I want!"

I roll my eyes. "Sure..."

Chrom sighs. "Anna, are you enjoying this?"

I sharply look to him. "What? Yes, of course! I'm sorry...I-!"

Chrom quells my grievances by kissing me on the lips. I silently squeak as he connects with me, his comforting scent filling my nose and leaving me at utter bliss. I close my eyes and kiss him back.

We eventually have to come back for air and we stare lovingly into each other's eyes. "Did you enjoy that?" he asks.

"Yes..." I mutter.

Chrom kisses me again and locks his hands in mine. We separate once more and gaze at one another.

"How come you solve all of your problems by kissing me?" I ask.

Chrom laughs and pulls me closer to him. "Hey, it works doesn't it?" he jests.

I laugh as well and lean onto him. "Indeed..."

He continues to hold me for what seems like hours until he breaks our trance by one single word.



"May," he repeats. "I have decided that that's the month our wedding will be."

I stare into his eyes for a moment. "...Are you sure? It may not seem like it, but that's fairly close!" I point out.

Chrom nods and kisses my forehead. "I have never been surer of anything in my life. I want for us to be married in the beginning of May. Does that work for you?"

"Yes, of course, it does. But, Chrom. Like I have said, that's only in three months, that's very soon! Will that be enough time to get everything in order?" I ask.

He sighs and hugs me tighter. "It's more than plenty of time. I am ready, Anna. I'm ready to share my rule with someone. I cannot do this alone any longer, I need my queen at my side." he declares.

I stare off into the night sky. "I understand...I know how rough it's been for you...But are you 100% sure?" I ask.

"Need I remind you that it only took us three months to fall in love?"

I laugh at his statement and nuzzle into his chest. "You got me there!" I said. "Ok, then. May it is! I cannot wait!"

Chrom smiles and hugs me tight. "Finally...just a few more months and we will have everything we've dreamed of..."


Yay, Chrobin!!!! I am SUPER behind and I am glad I got this done in time! I have to write the next chapter now before I get distracted!


Currently listening to: Don't Wake Me: Skillet

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