Morning Routine

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"Anna? Anna, are you awake?"

I sit up and rub my eyes. Huh? Who would be here so early in the morning...


"Hold on, Chrom. Just give me a moment..." I respond groggily.

I force myself to leave the comfort of my bed and walk to the door, still in my nightgown.

I open the door and see my fiancé standing there. "What in Naga's name are you doing here so early, Chrom?" I ask while rubbing my eyes.

"Ah! Sorry to wake you so early, my love," he apologizes. "I just wanted to take you to see something!"

I yawn. "Are you kidding me?! You woke me up early to tell me that?! It can wait until a more reasonable hour!" I groan as I begin to shut the door.

Before I can close it, Chrom sweeps me off my feet. "No, it cannot! We need to go now if we want to time to see it!" he exclaims.

I squeak and try to remove myself from his arms. "Chrom! Put me down! And what is, 'it'?" I ask.

Chrom chuckles and begins to walk. "You'll see..."


"Ok, we're here!" Chrom said as he put me down on the cool grass.

I shudder as my feet come into contact with the damp, dew covered grass. The water makes its way between my toes and I wiggle around at the sudden sensation. "C-Chrom! Why are we out here so early! It's freezing cold and I'm not dressed correctly! Not to mention the sun hasn't even risen yet!" I complain.

Chrom puts his arm around my shoulders and brings me closer to him. "Well, that's why I brought you here," he explains.


Before I can fully question him, he turns my face to the horizon so I can see the sun begin to rise. "Oh..."

The bright orange sun was peaking out through the puffy clouds, lighting up the world and awakening the land. "Chrom..." I breathe. "This...this is beautiful..."

Chrom pulls me closer to him help me regain warmth. "I wanted to enjoy the sunrise with you...It bears a deep meaning for the two of us, remember?" he asks.

I slowly nod, a smile spreading on my lips. "Yeah...I remember...Back during the war, when you and I shared a tent, I had to train myself to wake up before sunrise in order to sneak back to my own tent without anyone seeing..." I murmur.

Chrom kisses my neck and nods. "Indeed...we were risking a lot by doing that," he said. "But in the was worth it...we never had a sleepless night when we were next to one another. All nightmares seemed to disappear...all because we had each other."

I giggle and snuggle close to him. "I cannot wait until we will be able to have those moments again...every single day...for the rest of our lives..." I mutter.

"I cannot wait as well,"


...It's late...I am tired...I don't ever know, here's a random picture in my computer,

I don't ever know, here's a random picture in my computer,

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