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"Anna! Are you ready to go?!" Chrom shouts.

I roll my eyes and adjust my riding gloves. "Yeah, I'm all set!"

Chrom walks over and takes one of my hands. "Good," he said with warmth in his voice. "We should get going now if we want to get out in time for the sunset."

I nod in agreement. "Yes indeed. It'd be a shame to let the day go to waste." I said while looking outside.

Chrom and I journey over to the stables to retrieve our horses for a romantic walk in the sunset. Once we get our horses out and ready, we go on the trail Chrom planned for the ride, with my reference, of course.

We ride our horses in a slow walk in the meadows, enjoying the scenery. The setting sun gave off a subtle orange glow that seemed to bathe the snow in its calming light.

"It's so beautiful, isn't it?" Chrom said while looking at our surroundings.

I slowly nod and continue to gaze at the sunset. "Indeed it is," I reply softly. "It's not often days like these happen in the beginning of a winter month..."

Chrom pulls Albern closer to Ladybug and outstretches his arm to take my hand. "Chrom!" I shout, careful not to startle our horses. "Riding requires two hands! You could be putting both of us in danger!" I try to pull away from him but his grip remained tight.

"It's fine, love. Albern is an obedient boy and anything you ride loves you and listens to your every command! It'll be fine!" Chrom attempts to ease the situation but he's not really making a convincing argument.

I sigh and grip my reigns tighter. "Well, what if one of them gets startled and starts to gallop! I'm going to blame you if my arm gets ripped off!" I complain.

Chrom laughs and squeezes my hand comfortingly. "OK! Fine," he releases my hand. "You always find a way to spoil the fun!" he complains.

I roll my eyes and reposition my grip on the reigns. "It's not very fun if one of us gets injured. I still haven't forgotten about, The Apple Incident. So I'm going to take every precautionary measure I can!" I huff as I urge Ladybug to move faster.

Chrom sighs and makes Albern pick up his pace. "You'll never let me live that down, will you?" He asks. "Oh well, at least we can enjoy the sunset together. Physical contact, or not."

I giggle and pet Ladybug's mane. "You can be so needy sometimes, blueberry! We can hold hands later if you want, but not when we are riding these massive beasts with minds of their own," I say. Albern and Ladybug nicker and shake their heads as if they're agreeing with me. "See? They don't like it when they're too close! It makes them uncomfortable and you know how competitive these two can get!"

Chrom groans and distances himself. "Why did I even suggest riding these two if we're not even going to be able to be close?" he complains. Ladybug neighs and flicks her tail at Chrom.

I laugh at my horse's antics. "I wouldn't talk like that, my love! This girl's a sassy one!" I point out with a smirk.

Chrom smiles warmly at me. "Just like her owner..."


I just wanted an excuse to have sassy horses! Also, you may have noticed the writing style is a bit different. That is because I'm going to try and change up my style a bit, and do it a bit more correctly. I want to practice my ability to properly write out dialogue and scenes better, and I hope to improve over time! This is the first story I have written with my new goal and I don't know if I may publish something else with this new style before this chapter is published. It depends how much time I have and what ideas I may come up with. Anyways, thank you for reading, and I hope you look forward to reading more!

Currently listening to: Nacrene City: Pokemon Black/White OST

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