I Love You

146 7 19


Where is he?

I continue to search throughout the castle for my fiance, no luck. He's usually come to me with the day's plan by now, but I can't find him! Is he ok?

Just then, a maid approaches me. "Pardon me, milady. But his royal highness is asking for your presence in his study," she said.

I sigh and begin to walk. "Alright, thank you, Alice," I say, waving goodbye to her. I've made it a goal of mine to learn the names of all the castle staff, and I've so far been successful. To the maids and butlers, to the falconers and stable-hands, and to the rest of the castle staff, I've learned everyone's names. Not too shabby for a queen to be!

I make my way to Chrom's office, a strange feeling settling deeper and deeper within me for some reason. The clicking of my boots on the marble floor act like a countdown to whatever Chrom has called me for.

I approach the large door which leads to Chrom's private study. I take a deep breath and knock on the door. "Chrom, it's me," I call.

"Come in,"

I open the door and enter the room, allowing the door to close with a thud. I see Chrom hunched over his desk, holding a letter and his free hand rubbing his temple. "...Chrom? Is everything alright?" I ask.

Chrom turns to look at me and he smiles a little bit. It quickly goes away though as something goes through his mind. He gets out of his chair and walks over to me. "Anna, I'm glad you came. I...I have something to tell you..." he said, his voice filled with sadness and disappointment.

I gulp and begin to panic. What!? I-is this bad?! Did someone spread a rumor about me being unfaithful and now Chrom wants to talk about it?! Oh gods, what if-

"Calm yourself, Anna. You've done nothing wrong," he sighed. "I do, however, have some bad news."

I stare into his eyes. "...What is it?"

Chrom opens his mouth to speak, but he cannot seem to find the right words to say. He eventually sighs and takes my hands in his. "Anna...I am sorry...but there has been a very last minute situation that requires my presence. I won't go into the details, but let's just say I'm needed in Caelfall, a city not far from here." he murmured.

"...And why does this involve me?" I whisper.

Chrom sighs in disappointment and squeezes my hands. "Because I have to leave Ylisstol...and I'll be gone for three days..." he muttered.

Three days?! But that means...he'll miss...My heart begins to break. "But...that means you'll have to miss-"

"Valentines Day. I know," he interrupts. "I wish with every fiber of my being that I can stay here, but my duties say otherwise. Gods be damned...I really do not want to go and deal with this problem, but I have no choice. It may affect the whole kingdom if I don't...Once again, I am so very sorry..."

I stare into his clouded cerulean gaze, my heart still feeling as if it's been ripped in two. "I-I understand that! I know that you have duties to Ylisse and I never want to come in between them...But I still don't understand anything! Can't I go with you?" I ask.

Chrom shakes his head. "Regrettably, no," he answers. "The Earl asked that I kept the problem a secret from everyone and he'd like it if there were little to no people involved, so I'm afraid I can't take you with me..."

My eyes begin to water and a rock forms in my throat. "I...I understand...I-I'll miss you..."

"Oh, Anna...no tears...! Please, look at me," he lift's my chin and stares into my eyes. "I feel terrible that we are not able to spend Valentines Day together, believe me. But I promise that I will make it up to you when I get back," he promises.

I swallow the lump in my throat and look down to hide my tears. "No...you can go...I understand that there is a problem and you had no idea of it happening..." I choke. "Just promise me you'll come home soon..."

Chrom sighs my kisses my forehead. "I promise. I cannot stand seeing you like this, my princess, but know that I'll do everything in my power to return home soon," he said.

I fully break down and cry into his chest. "Please don't be long...I'll wait every minute for you..."

Chrom nods and I feel his own tears fall onto my hair. "I'll do my best, my love..."

We hold onto each other for a long while before we separate. Once we do, Chrom pulls me closer to kiss me. I savor every second of it despite our tears. We both reluctantly separate and stare into one another's saddened eyes.

Chrom rests his forehead on mine and lets out a breath. "I love you..."

"I love you too..."


Wow, I am about to cry right now...I need to go binge watch some anime now...

Currently listening to: Death Should Not Have Taken Thee! (English Cover): JubyPhonic

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