Valentines Day

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"...Anna...? Hey? Are you in there?"


I drop the fork that was dangling in my mouth and look to Lissa. "Oh, my apologies. Did you need something?" I ask.

Lissa shakes her head. "No, I don't," she sighs. "But are you ok? You've been acting awful quiet ever since Chrom left."


I bury my face in my arms as I fall onto the table.

"Oh, look! You did it again, Lissa!" Sumia complains. "Don't mention, you know who, around her, she'll get all sad!"

Lissa groans. "Well, I'm sorry! It's kinda hard not to mention Chrom! Oops!"


Sumia walks over to me and rubs my back as I let out my sadness. "There there, sweetheart. There there..."


" don't have to do this..." I grumble as Lissa and Sumia drag me through town.

"We do!" Lissa cheers. "It's the only way to get your sorry butt out of your sadness!"

"Yeah! A day on the town is just what you need!" Sumia agrees.

"Unless Chrom is in one of these shops, I'm not in the mood," I mumble.

Lissa and Sumia continue to push me until we are in the middle of the shopping district. "No! You're going to have a good time with us, and you're not going to think about Chrom! You need to enjoy yourself!" Lissa commands.

I look around at the bustling shopping district. Couples were holding hands and buying each other gifts. Vendors were shouting and selling their products. And all the stores were packed with Valentine's merchandise.

"Guys, how is this supposed to make me feel better when there are hearts and romantic stuff plastered literally everywhere?" I sigh.

Sumia sighs. "You need a day with your girls to get that man off your mind," she said. "And shopping is just the thing to distract you!"

I sigh once more. There is no way they're gonna let me be sad, is there? "Fine...I guess a little retail therapy is what I need..."

"That's the spirit!" Lissa cheers. "Now, let's go!"

Lissa grabs my arm and drags me along with Sumia following.

"Hey! Don't pull!"


"Wow! Look at all this candy! I want to eat it all" Lissa exclaims as we look around a candy store.

I smile and look at all the Valentine's themed candy. The store was all kinds of shades of pink and red, and the whole shop smelled like strawberries and other sugary scents.

Sumia comes up to us, holding three heart shaped lollipops. "Here you go!" she chides, handings us a candy.

I begin to eat mine and I start to feel a bit better. "Mmm, this is good! All the flavors are perfectly balanced and it's not too sweet," I exclaim. "I think I've had this before, actually! Last year Chrom got"

Lissa and Sumia share a panicked look and begin to rush me out of the store. "Uh, candy is overrated, anyways! L-let's go and find something else to do!" Sumia suggests.


"Clothing! Nothing but something to make you look pretty, am I right?" Lissa asks.

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