Being Sleepy

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I yawn as I walk down the vast halls of the castle, completely blind as to where I'm going. I shouldn't have stayed up so late reading...Now I'm too exhausted to know where I'm going...Is this the way to the dining hall? I think so? Ugh...! Why does this place have to be so big!

I lean onto one of the large marble walls to try and steady my swaying body. I soon find myself collapsing on the floor.

"Just...five more minutes..."




"Anna! Wake up!"

"Muh...?" I look up to see Chrom kneeling over me.

"Anna, what did I tell you? There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know?" He says.

I groan and sit up "Haha! Very funny! Coming from the man who made us sleep on the ground literally that night!" I yawn and rub my eyes.

Chrom brushes away a stray strand of my hair. "Anna, how much sleep did you get?"

" hour...?"

Chrom sighs loudly and picks me up, carrying me bridal style. I squeak at the sudden momentum and I smack his head. "Hey! Put me down!" I yell.

Chrom chuckles and begins to carry me to my room. "Nope. You need to get some sleep! No protesting!" He commands.

I pout and cross my arms "Hmph!" My stomach growls "Uhh...I am kinda hungry, though..." I murmur.

Chrom laughs. "I'll bring up some food for you then! You need to sleep!" He says.

I sigh. "Fine," I yawn again and nuzzle into him. "You're just lucky I'm too tired to shock you..." I begin to lose consciousness and close my eyes "Cause if'd be..." I give into my drowsiness and drift off to sleep.

"I know you would..."


Anna really needs to fix her sleeping habits, or else Chrom will not let her hear the end of it! Thank you for reading and look forward to tomorrow!

Currently listening to: Calem/Serena's Theme: Pokemon X/Y OST

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