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I softly groan as the sunlight beams on my face. I open my eyes slowly to see Chrom next to me. His strong arms are wrapped tightly around me and his face filled with total bliss as he sleeps.

"Silly prince," I murmur softly. He must have come into the library and found me asleep...I guess it was just too hard to resist joining me!

I nuzzle into his chest and turn my head to block out the light. I don't blame him, though. With all the work he's been doing he's been so tired lately...I still can't believe he's been in rule for almost a year now! It hasn't exactly been a field of roses, but he's doing his best.

I yawn softly and drift off to sleep in his arms.


I wake once more as I feel Chrom stir from his own slumber. I open my eyes to see Chrom open his shortly after. "Good morning, sleepyhead," I giggle. I reach my hand out to gently brush his hair out of his eyes. "You just couldn't resist taking a nap, could you?"

Chrom sighs and flips onto his back, taking me with him. "You of all people know how tired I get," he said. "I came in here to come and get you and saw you asleep, I just couldn't bring myself to wake you. I tried to wait for you to wake up but ended up falling asleep as well."

I sigh blissfully and rest my head on his chest. "I know," I whisper. I slightly giggle as I feel Chrom gently rub my back. My large tactician's coat covers us both like a blanket. "It's rare we get afternoons like these..."

Chrom mumbles in agreement and kisses the top of my head. "Indeed," he breathed. "It's times like these that I have to make the most of. I never know when I'm going to be rushed away to deal with something important. This isn't really what I expected my life to be like after the war. My original plan was that we'd already be married and if we were lucky we'd be with our first child, but I guess somethings can't go according to plan."

I stare off and nod absently. "I know, you told me this the other day, remember?" I ask.

Chrom hugs me tighter. "I know. I just want to make sure you know how sorry I am for not giving you the life you expected after the war," he said.

"You don't have to apologize for anything! I'm perfectly happy with the life I have right now!" I exclaim.

Chrom's eyes begin to tear up. "I promised you we would be able to be married. I promised you that our lives would be made easier. I promised you we would have a happy family. None of those things have happened and I have broken my promise. How could you love a man who can't even keep his promise to make you happy?" he asks, his body trembling.

I begin to cry and wrap my arms around his neck. "I can love a man who will give me all of those things one day! I can love a man who makes me smile just by speaking! I can love a man who will stop at nothing to see me happy! Chrom, I love you so much, and I know that we will have all of those things one day...So don't apologize, ok?"

Chrom sighs and hugs me tight against his chest. "Just...stay here for a little bit longer, please?" he requests.

I snuggle close to him and close my eyes. "Ok..."


Ok, so this was originally supposed to be really light-hearted and cute but it turned into something a bit more angsty. I have no regrets. Thank you so much for reading and look forward to tomorrow!

Currently listening to: I Want to Live: Skillet

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