Princess Olivia

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Brad's POV

"Daddy up!" Olivia demands, climbing up into bed "We play."

I look to the side for Jen, before I remember she already has the boys at school and is filming today. Liv looks over at me, her huge eyes toying with mine, begging me to get out of bed.

"What if we go get ice cream?"  I suggest, watching as her eyes light up at the idea of ice cream before breakfast "Go get dressed and we can leave."

I get dressed myself, finishing just in time to hear her little feet run down the hallway.   She pokes her head in the door slowly, trying to be sneaky, but ends up falling forward.

"I okay!" She jumps up seconds later.  I grab my phone and wallet before following her downstairs.  It's only when we get to the bottom that I realize what she's wearing.

"Liv, I know you're a princess, but are you sure you want to wear your Ariel dress and mommy's jacket?"

"Yes."  She gives me the exact same look Jen does when I've asked the wrong question.  They are so alike it's ridiculous.

"But what if you get ice cream on your dress?"  I ask "You can't wear it anymore then."

"I safe." She doesn't budge.  I wait for her to put her shoes on, watching as she slides glittery pink cowboy boots over her feet.  She is crazy.

"Okay.  Let's go."  I pick her up, avoiding any more accessories she might find along the way.

She jumps in her seat, trying to buckle herself in because of how excited she is.  I get in the front, listening to her talk about what kind of ice cream she wants and how she's going to tell the boys and Jen when they all get home later.  As I drive, she changes to singing one of the songs from her favorite movies repeatedly until we get there.

"Okay, what does my little princess want?"  I carry her up to the counter "Chocolate or vanilla?"  She thinks about it like it's the hardest decision she'll ever make before deciding on chocolate with sprinkles.

"Yook!" She points to the little bit of ice cream melting on her hand "It messy."

"No, I think you're messy."  I take some and add it to her already chocolate covered face "Smile so I can send mommy a picture." 

"I see?"  She reaches over, getting chocolate all over my phone.  I let her and she ends up taking selfies until I get the phone out of her hands. 

She takes her hands after I tell her they're messy, and puts both of them on my face, covering me in chocolate. I let her because she's adorable and looks ecstatic to be doing it.

"Brad?"  Someone behind me questions.  I ignore it, thinking it's just a fan that I don't wanna deal with right now.  I wanna spend time with Liv.

"Mommy?!?"  Her eyes light up as she tries to jump out of my lap.  I stop her quickly, knowing that it's definitely not Jen.  I turn around quickly to see who it is, and freeze the second that I recognize who is standing feet in front of me.

"Carly..."  I try to hide my confusion.  She walks up closer, a little too close, to Liv and I, smiling huge.

"Oh my God!"  She looks at Olivia "She's adorable!  So cute." 

"Yeah,"  I agree with her "She's identical to Jen.  It's so crazy."  Carly ignores me mentioning Jen and goes right to questioning me.

"So how have you been?  I haven't seen you in forever... you've been out of the media lately."  She invites herself to sit across from us "It's been hard to know if you're even alive."

Well no shit.  I kinda like to be private sometimes.

"I've been good.  I'm just really focused on the family right now, they're what's most important to me."

"Yeah I portnt!"  Olivia adds, butchering the words as she tries to say.  We both laugh at her slightly so she doesn't hear.

"You should do another movie soon."  Carly suggests "You used to love that.  All you ever talked about was acting."

"I will eventually, that's just not my main focus right now."  I start to get a little defensive "I'm letting Jen do that for a little.  She's been so busy with the kids, she deserves a break to do the other things she loves."

"I don't know how she does it." She makes faces at a very unamused Liv "I'd never be able to leave little people this cute."

"Daddy?"  Liv pulls on my shirt lightly "We go?"  I whisper something in her ear and she climbs on my lap getting quiet.

"So how have you been, Carly?"  I try to change the subject "Still with Drake?"

"Yep."  She lays her left hand in front of me, revealing rings "We got married 3 months ago.  It's so cool."

"Congratulations!"  I'm more happy that this means she hopefully won't bother me everything we see each other in public now "That's awesome."

"Almost caught up to you guys."  She jokes.

"Yeah,"  I laugh "Just add about 15 years and you're caught up." 

Liv pulls on my shirt again, this time revealing that she is done with both of our ice cream.  I try to clean her off, but quickly realize it'll be easier to just give her a bath.  I know she has it all over her anyway.

"Well we should get going."  I pick Olivia up "It was nice to see you again." 

I quickly walk away to the car to avoid Carly and any paparazzi.  Liv somehow manages to get ice cream in her hair as well too know, ruining any chance of making her bath easy.  Especially when she hates getting her hair washed.

"No hair!"  She protests, standing up in the bathtub, walking towards the side to get away from me "It hurt when you clean."

"I won't get any in your eyes, I promise."  I get her to sit in front of me, and start to rub the shampoo throughout her surprisingly long hair.  She screams when she sees me about to dump water on her head, so I have to hold her down while trying not to get anything in her eyes. 

"You need to get our now!"  I pull her up, after she splashed more than half of the water out of the bath "Lay down so I can get you dressed."

"No!" She cries dramatically, kicking me away "I play!"

"Olivia, the water was getting cold.  You need to let me dress you." I wrap a towel around her quickly before she tries to run off "I'll let you lay with me if you listen."

She let's me dress her, and then we go into our room to watch tv and take a nap.  I lay in my normal spot, and she lays on Jen's side of the bed with her head resting on my chest.

"Love you, daddy."

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