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After science class my new friends and I start heading back to our lockers "So that was.......interesting" Leo nods "Yeah. I mean weather? In science? What does that have to do with anything?" I ask "No clue" Zach says I laugh the bell rings "Well I gotta go to P.E see you guys later" Claire and Mackenzie left "See ya" I say
Time skip.........
After school the 6 of us met up at the same place "Kira!" I hear someone yell I turn around and see Olivia and Mia coming over towards us "Hey" Mia says "Guys, these are my friends Claire,Mackenzie,Bree,Zach and Leo" I introduce "Guys. These are my sisters Olivia and Mia" "hey" my friends all waved and my sisters wave back "Let's go back to the house" Olivia suggests we all follow
Time skip...........
We get back to our house and walk in heading up to my room  "How's RFHS?" Dad asks scaring me "Dad you scared me" I tell him "Sorry" he motions towards my friends "New friends?" He asks I nod "Dad these are Claire,Leo,Bree, Mackenzie and Zach" I introduce "Nice to meet you kids" dad greets "It's nice to meet you Mr Carter" Zach says dad smiles and walks back into the kitchen with mom and Olivia while my friends and I head up to my room
Time skip................
We walk into my room "Nice room" Mackenzie says "Thanks Kenzie" I tell her "You're welcome" "So....how was the first day?" Bree asks "You sound like my mom" I mumble "It was fine" I tell her "Yeah I have a feeling that the 6 of us will be able to conquer high school" Claire says "You're weird" Zach says "Well thank you" she replies the door opens and I see Mia "Mom wants you down for dinner" she says "I'll be down in a minute" I say "Bye guys" I tell my friends as they climb out my window I walk downstairs with Mia for a dinner
Time skip.............
"What's for dinner?" I ask as I run downstairs and sit at the kitchen table with my parents are sisters "Shepherds pie" Mom answers "Yum" Olivia comments we begin to eat "How was your day girls?" Mom then asks "Good" Olivia and Mia say in unison "Mine was ok. I met 5 people,we're friends" I tell her "That's nice. See honey? I told you you'll make friends" "You told me" I nod I finish eating my dinner just as mom gets up to clear the plates "I'll be in my room" I say running to the staircase "Kira,help your mom" dad tells me "I'm fine Tim" Mom says dad nods and lets me go upstairs I run to my room
Time skip.....................
I sit on my bed and pick up my phone as I turn on the lock screen I see I got 2 messages
Bree: Hi Kir!
Claire: Hey Kira,it's Claire!
I smile as I text them back (on a group chat in case you were
K:Hey guys!
Zach: Wsup
Kenzie:Same u guys wanna meet up or something?
Claire: Sure, do u guys know where the diner is?
Kira: No it's my 2nd day here remember?
Bree:Oh right lol
Zach: How about the 5 of us meet up around the corner? Then we'll pick up Kira
Kira: Sounds like a plan wait u guys live around the corner?
Bree: Yeah,anyway we'll c u soon
Kira: See u
I smile again as I put my phone down and sit in my window to wait for the others

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