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Mia and I wake up early for school and walk downstairs "You guys ready for a new year?" Dad asks I groan "No. And I don't think we'll ever be" I tell him "Oh come on, Mia's a 7th grader, Kira's a sophomore, and Olivia's a senior!" Mom gushes I roll my eyes "Want a ride to school?" Olivia asks "Yeah sure" I say sarcastically
Time skip..........
When we get to school I see all of my friends and they all run up to us "Hey Mi! Kir!" Kenzie says hugging us "We haven't seen you in so long!" "Kenz, you saw us yesterday" I state "I know, but it's weird if I say that" Mia rolls her eyes "Well, I better go, don't wanna be late" Olivia tells us "Ok bye Livi" Mia waves "Bye Liv!" I yell as she walks away "Hopefully we don't have Snider again this year" Zach snorts "I know, him being like... "No phones on school property!" So annoying" Claire rolls her eyes I laugh "Exactly" "I wish we were still in California" Bree whines "I know right? All the adventures..." Leo drifts off "Partly illegal adventures" Mia mumbles I elbow her "Which no one knows about" I grind my teeth "Well, Claire was the one who's idea was to sneak onto a movie set, sneak into a bar, and you drank that Cabernet... So..." Mia tells me "And I remember correctly, Bree made us jump off that cliff, and Leo almost killed us by driving that car into a tree!" I whisper "Hey, at least we jump out" Leo says "Yeah, one second before we almost died" "Ok guys...stop arguing" Kenzie tell us "This is our sophomore year, and our time" I roll my eyes "Fine" I say as we head into the school
Time skip........
"What's our first class?" Bree asks "No clue" I state as I look around the empty halls "It looks like a ghost town in here" "We're probably late. Our first day and we're already late!" Zach yells "Shush! If we're late we don't eat anyone to hear us out here" Claire tells him and he nods "Ok let's get to class" Mia says "Wait don't you have to go to the middle school?" Leo asks "Ugh! I forgot! I'll see you guys later" Mia starts to walk away as we see Mr. Snider walking our way and Mia runs back "On the second thought, I'll stay with you guys" We all hide behind the lockers "It feels like last year all over again" Leo mumbles "Oh, because we were always hiding from the principal" Bree says sarcastically "Well, we did one time" Leo whispers to us "Ok, we get it, we're on the bad side, let's go before he sees us" I tell them as we walk away from the lockers and he spots us "Oh no" Zach mumbles "You 7 are in a boat load of trouble" Mr S says as we all go to his office
Time skip..........
"Mr. S, we didn't know where our classes were" Leo tells him "It's the first day of school" Bree adds "How were we supposed to know where to go?" Mia asks Mr. Snider glares at us "I suppose you kids are right. I'm sorry" He says "Ok well, see ya!" Zach yells as he runs out of the room and I roll my eyes "Have a nice day" I say "Thank you Ms. Carter" Mr. Snider says "And uh...we're sorry about your house earlier last year" I mumble "It's all forgiven, Kira. Don't worry" He tells me as we all walk out
Time skip..........
After 8 boring hours of school we start to walk home "Well...that was a crazy first day huh?" Bree asks "Almost as crazy as this summer?" Mia asks "I don't think anyone can top that" Leo tells us "That's true" Kenzie says "Why is it so boring walking home?" Claire asks "Because we really have nothing to talk about right?" Zach asks "Yeah. Let's go to the diner and get some pancakes!" Kenzie suggests we all cheer "And let's sing!" We all cheer again as I start the melody

We all cheer after we finish singing and as we're almost at the diner "That is the best song ever!" Zach says "What can I say? It's the best song to sing" I tell him as I smile "I think we're gonna have a really good year guys" Mia says "Oh y'know we will" Bree smiles
Ik this is a short chapter ok? I'm weird, just ignore that fact😁 luv ❤️

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