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We're in the airport with my Mom, Dad, Olivia and Kenzie's parents
"Now, stay safe, ok kids?" Mom asks "Mom, we'll be fine. We're not little kids anymore" I tell her for the 100th time "I know, sweetie, but you'll always be my little girls to me" Mom hugs Mia,Olivia and I "It's just a month Mom,trust me we'll be fine" Mia tells her "30 days you can think about us, but I'm pretty sure you and Dad will be happy that we're out of the house" I say "A parents nightmare, their kid/kids going away. And we thought this wouldn't happen until you're at least 18" Mrs. Bailey says hugging Kenzie tightly "Mrs. Bailey, trust me when I say we know what we're doing. Just please don't make a big deal about this" Zach begs "How can we not?" Mr. Bailey asks  "We know this must be really hard, but we'll only be a few states away" Bree reassures them then she whispers to me "How many states are between Missouri and California?" "Absolutely no idea" I whisper back "Flight 801 boarding from Missouri to California must leave now" The intercom buzzes "That's us" Leo announces "Have fun!" Mrs. Bailey yells to us as we walk away side by side "But not too much fun!" Dad yells afterwards
Time skip............
After 2 hours we finally get to California "Finally California here we come!" Kenzie yells "Can you believe that we have a month free of parents?!" Mia exclaims "Ok where to?" Claire asks "Claire, we just got here, and the answer is obviously the hotel" I roll my eyes at her "Ok, fine" We catch a bus to the hotel
"Finally!" I yell dropping all of my stuff, the others do the same "Are you sure 7 people can sleep in here?" Mia asks "It looks a little small" I look at the room "You're right" I hop on the bed "I take the bed, you guys take the floor!" "No,no,no we all take the floor" Zach corrects "Then what's the point of the bed?" I ask getting off "I dunno" he sighs "Let's go guys! I wanna go to San Diego, LA, and San Fransisco!" Claire yells I groan "You do know we have a month right?" "Still" She argues "Fine, lets go guys" I say
Time skip..................
We stop in LA first. "So this is fun right?" Bree asks "Yeah, especially the part where Claire drags us to see every city" Leo says sarcastically "Not my fault" Claire puts her hands up in surrender we pass a neighborhood, and a studio "Oh my god! Guys, this is THE studio where they shot "Stalked By My Doctor"!" She holds on tho me and I think she's gonna faint "Calm down Clai, deep breaths" I tell her as we walk inside
"Omg this place is awesome!" Bree gushes I shush her "Guys, you do know we can get in some serious trouble for this? I mean, we technically snuck onto a movie set" "It's just gonna be a minute, and it's not like we're breaking anything," Claire tells me we hide some more and then we see a man about 60  coming our way "He looks familiar"I think "Omg, that! That!" I point "E.R!" Mia whisper exclaims "E.R?" Leo asks I shake him "Eric Roberts! Dr. Albert Beck! Does any of this ring a bell?" "Ok,ok calm down" Leo tells me "What are you kids doing in here?" I hear a voice ask "I'm going to call security!" We all jump and turn around and come face to face with the one and only Eric Roberts
Time skip............
Bree and I freeze, Claire almost faints and Mia, and Kenzie look like they're about to cry "Are girls always like this?" Zach asks Leo I elbow him "Oh come on! He yells "Please don't call security Mr. Roberts, Eric, Mr Eric Roberts sir" Claire stutters "Are you gonna be like this every time we meet someone famous?" Leo asks her "Ok,ok I won't, as long as you explain why you're here" Eric warns "We're on a road trip for a month, without parents. It's summer vacation" I explain "How old are you kids?" "Well, Leo,Zach, Claire, and Kenzie are 14, Bree and I are 15, and my sister Mia here is 13" "Huh. Well, I don't trust teenagers running around on their own causing trouble" Eric says "We're fine, trust us" Kenzie tells him "Well, uh, bye" Zach tells him "Wait um sign my sneaker?" Claire asks "Claire!" I yell "Wait, you're name is Claire? We just finished working on "Stalked By My Doctor: The Return" Claire Blackwelder plays Amy" Eric says I nod "We loved it, and the first one. You were great!" "Thank you" he says I smile and we leave
Time skip...........
"Next stop: Little Doms!" Claire announces as we walk on the sidewalk "Isn't that a bar?" Leo asks "Yeah why?" "Well, it's just that...we're teenagers, we can't just walk in a bar. Also how do you know about that, and who are we even going there to see?" I ask "Claire Blackwelder. She's a bartender there, what? Sometimes I look through her Twitter page" Claire says "You stalk a celebrity's Twitter page?" Mia asks "This just went to a whole new level of creepy" "Ok, first of all, how would we even know if Claire's there? And second, this is creepy" Bree comments "She works on Friday's" "Oh...well in that case...we're still not going" Zach tells her "Why not?" She sighs "It's a bar Claire, a BAR! We can't just walk in and ask for Claire Blackwelder, because if we do, we'll probably get arrested" "It just won't work, and we really don't need a pair of cops calling our parents and telling them we got arrested because we snuck into a bar and interrupted a celebrity's job, plus you stalked her Twitter page!" I yell "I think we have to go" Leo says "What? Are you crazy?" I ask "You asked that same thing to Zach when we were running away from the law...but no. We'll never know what will happen if we don't do whatever we are about to do!" "Ok fine, but you owe us big time for this! It's our first day of vacation and we already snuck onto a movie set. We can't get in more trouble" I warn Leo nods and we continue walking


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