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I hear a knock on my window and turns out....it's Mackenzie "Hey" she greets "Hey back,let's go" I say as I climb out my window and the 6 of us run to Lori's Diner
Time skip...............
The 6 of us end up sitting in a booth in the back of the diner/cafe "I'm tired" Zach announces "It's 7:00 pm and you're tired?" Claire asks "What I am" I roll my eyes "Can I take your order?" The waitress asks her name tag says she's Nicole "6 cokes and 6 ice cream sundaes" Bree says "Woah, Bree isn't that a little extreme?" I ask once Nicole walks away "Well we all had dinner right?" She asks "Good point" I reply "So you think we're going to conquer high school?" Kenzie asks Claire "Well yeah, I mean,we're all smart,and we're kinda rebels" she tells us I scoff "I'm not a rebel. And my mom likes when I get good grades. So ha!" I tell her Claire rolls her eyes "You're rebel,you look like you are" Zach points out "You don't know me" I hiss back  "Whatever you say Kir-bear. Whatever you say" Leo mumbles "Kir-bear?" I ask "Nickname" he replies I shrug
Time skip..............
After a hour of talking the 6 of us start to walk to Bree's house "My moms probably wondering where I am" I tell them "In this town,parents tend to know that you're with your friends almost 24/7 you don't need to call them" Claire tells me "Good to know" I mumble "Clique 6" Leo says out of nowhere we all turn to him "What?" Zach asks "Our group! We should call it the clique 6!" He exclaims we all nod "Ok that works" Kenzie says. After we talk at Bree's house my friends and I start walking back to my place "Night" I say "See you tomorrow" Leo says as he walks away along with the others "Does he like me?" I wonder in my head I crawl in my bed and fall asleep
Hey! Sorry this was a short chapter the next one will be better! How are you enjoying The Adventures of High School? Do you think Leo likes Kira? Comment down below! Bye guys! (The 4 meant to be a 3) lol

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