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(c) MCDonald's TVC

1.24.17 AMACon4 : Day 23 - English FF : My salvation lies in your love


"So, how was it?"

"I don't know. I haven't read it yet. This is my first copy"

Richard looked up from the book he was signing. It was already by impulse that he asked the buyer on how they found his book as a reading material. It was actually okay if they haven't read it yet once asked. But the tone and the familiarity of the voice that said it, made him looked up quickly than necessary.

He saw her standing in front, behind her, in line are his adoring fans, waiting for him to signed their copy of his book. She's wearing a black cap, white cotton shirt, faded jeans and comfortable flip flops. Her face was bare of make-up and it made her face more radiant than what he's used to seeing her.

"I see. You've finally decided to grace me with your presence" Richard can't help but said the words with sarcasm.

"No need for that, RJ. I've done my job. Now, I want my reward" she looked pointedly at the book he has signed. She tried to grab it from his hold but he quickly pull it out of her reach.

She crossed her arms and snickered at him. "You want to play games, now?" she looked behind her, some fans are starting to get curious and leaning at the front to take a glimpse on what's taking the line too long to move forward. "We have an audience. Aren't you afraid what they could speculate?"

"You'll get your reward, okay" Richard says as he stood up, walk around the table he has been writing on for hours already and stood up in front of her. "If you have read my book, you'll understand why I will do this" he leans in then kissed her. And all hell break loose.

The fans stood frozen for minute or two before a life deafening shrieks erupted, and it was safe to say that security team was not ready for such thing happening.

When Richard stops kissing her, the fans was about to come running toward them but he's quick on his feet. He grabbed her hand and runs out of the place.

 They run up until they come across three streets far, stops on a coffee shop and hide behind the counter. When the fans has passed by, they went out of the counter and decided to talk in one of the table there.

"Nicomaine, it's been months. How are you?"

"What a way to greet me, huh? I should be the one asking that. How. Are. You. ?"

He smiles, that kind of grin that made all of his fan readers go crazy about and that smiles that tells her, he is back on his element and he is very happy to see her.

"Happy. Happy that you're back. Happy that we're here. Happy that I get to taste the cherry again"

Nicomaine blushed though she hopes that it's not easily shown thanks to her cap. "The coffee here does not taste cherry"

"You know what I'm talking about"

"Yes, of course I know"

"I missed you"

"I missed you too"

They stared back at each other for awhile. Both thinking back on the last time they saw each other. Exactly, ten months ago.

"Get up! I said, get up, Richard!"

"Nope. Not doing that"

"Arggh! Okay, that's it. I'm taking drastic measure now"

Richard wakes up drenched from head to toe. "I was in bed! The mattress!" he glared back at Nicomaine who holds a water hose in her hands. She leans on the wall, near his bathroom.

"Now, are you going to get up?"

"I am not just up. I am going to kill you! Come here!" he runs after her and she quickly leaves the room. The chase goes from the hallway through the living room until they go rolling on the bermuda grass at the garden.

"Okay, I'm sorry! I'm sorry" Nicomaine shouted as Richard catches her in an embrace.

Richard laid his head behind her back and whispered. "Why did you do this?"

Instead of giving him an answer, Nicomaine turned to face him, side view. "The world goes on RJ...that's why"

The answer was simple. Richard knew that, but it has been so hard to do such thing...but Nicomaine made him come out of his room, run like crazy and be here out in the open. Finally seeing the outside world again.

He looked at her eyes, those chocolate brown mesmerizing eyes that capture his curiousity the first time he laid eyes on. His gaze move down her cute nose and finally, her full lips that always made him wonder how exactly it would always taste like...he always wonder.

"Richard, you have to start writing again. If you feel the world closing in, write it. If it hurts too much, write it. Don't wallow... the world is a big place. It will continue to move forward."

"But I don't want to forget"

"Then, make sure to remember. Write it"

He sighs and look up at the blue sky. "You're just saying that for your benefit"

"Yes, you're right, that too." She sat up. Leans her hands on the garden floor as she gaze up at the blue afternoon sky. "But, before I was your publisher. I am your friend too" she turned to him. "I'll miss Mommy Rose. She'll want you to move on."

Richard sat up, crosses his legs, indian style, and sighs. "I know. For her, life is an adventure. One adventure at a time. She'll say that when things get rough, you will just have to gear up for the rough road."

Nicomaine suddenly hits his back with her right hand that made Richard coughs in surprise, as she said, "That's it! That's the RJ, I know" she stood up and pats the dirt that got on her jean.

Richard remained sitting, he looked up at her, "So,where are you going this time?"

"Hehe, you know me so well. Dad says that I'll be going to Bali, Indonesia if I get you to come out of your room." She patted her own shoulder, "which I did. Now, it's time to claim my reward"

Richard grab her hand. "How about my reward for getting up and leaving my room?"

"Okay. Okay. Here it is" Nicomaine leans in. She was supposed to give him a short peck on the lips but he hold her nape to deepen the kiss. It took them for awhile to withdrew and when they did both was just staring back at each other.

"You always do that"

"You always let me"

Anothet silence passed before Richard said. "Cherry"

"Huh? What's cherry?" Nicomaine as in bewilderment

Richard finally stood up, patted his shorts to remove the dirt and met her gaze. "Your lips. It taste like cherry"

"Your favorite is cherry"


Richard was about to come closer again but Nicomaine stopped him with her hands on his chest. "I'm leaving. You take care, RJ"

"I will still be here" he said.

Nicomaine smile and kissed his cheeks then turned her back.

Richard did not know how long he stood there looking at her back as she leaves. The sky is already dark when he went back inside the house.

_ _ _

A/N: Thank you for reading! *sabaw pa more* *peace*

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