Finding Cherry

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1.30.17 AMACon4 - Day 28 : English FF - Being in love is not the same as loving you

Finding Cherry [Cherry part 2]

"Stop this, RJ"

"Stop what? I am merely taking care of you"

Nicomaine looked at him. She doesn't know what to do when he looked at her like that. His mesmerizing dark brown eyes that tells her his sincerity. Those chocolate orbs that made her body response in such a manner not fit for a friend. He knows she didn't want to be more than what they already are, he knows and he didn't try to persuade her further. But it did not stop him from doing what he always does. Taking care of her.

She arrive a couple of minutes ago from the office at her condo and he comes just a minute later with a takeout dinner in hand and they ate in silence. Once done, they both sat on the sofa in the living room; she leans on the armrest while her legs rest, laid on the soft leather. 

Richard sat on the other end of the sofa, lifted her leg and foot comfortably as he starts massaging it. She bit her lower lip to stop the moan that was about to escape once he starts the careful massage from her toes to her legs.

"How was your day?" he asked while looking down, totally concentrating on the massage

Nicomaine raised an eyebrow though he was not looking at her. To distract herself, she grabbed the remote at the mini table and turned on the television set.

The late night news is currently showing but she channel hop, finding other shows to watch when Richard grab the remote from her.

"Hey! "

"I asked you a question, care to answer it? "he said, he crossed his arms, waiting.

She sighed. "Its okay"

"Ah, so your Dad was in the office, huh? " He guessed, since they always associated the word okay to her father.

"Yes, he visited. And you know what it's like when he's there"she said pouting which earns a laugh from Richard.

He leans forward, he cupped her cheeks, and his thumb touches her lips softy. She quickly patted his hands away. "Where is your sympathy for me?"

"Ha?! Sympathy? I don't have one. Because of me, you get to take a vacation in Bali. You..." he touch the tip of her nose this time and said, "...owe me a vacation. That's what I think" as he continue his massage of her legs after.

Nicomaine felt her face grew warm, but she knew it will be of no use if she stops Richard. So instead, she said, "How was your book?"

"Have you read it yet?" Richard's eye light up as he asked the question. He's so excited to know if she has read it.

Nicomaine shrugged and closed her eyes. Counting in her head, one, two...

"Yah! How dare you not read it?" He yelled at first and then repeats it in whisper while turning his back on her "I should not have get my hopes up. Why do I always do this to myself?" he lightly kick the floor then sighs.

Nicamaine just stared at his reaction all this time. Hiding a smile behind her hands. This is one of Richard's usual expression that she always like to see. Hence, she teases him, most of the time. Richard looks so cute with his face turning red while his jaw is grim but his dimple is still visible.

She hit his right arm, that strong biceps, "Of course, I've read it! I was teasing you, silly!"

"Arghh!" Richard quickly hugged her tight, "You won't get away with this"

"RJ! RJ! Too tight!" she protested, struggling for release, but of course, it was to no avail. He's too strong.

Richard's body relaxes his hold on her but did not let go and he met her eyes. "You always like to tease me, why is that?"

"I just like to" she said while grinning.

He bump his forehead to hers, just a light knock which earned an "Awww!" , which she exaggerate of course. It did not bother Richard, instead he link his forehead to hers and met his gaze. "So how was the book?"

"Finding Cherry?"

"Yes, Finding Cherry. That's my new release. You bought one at my book signing, remember?"

"Yes, I bought, who is Cherry?"

Richard's eyes focused on her, his dark eyes reminding her of night sky, vast and wide. His eyes tell her those unsaid words. The answer to her question. Nicomaine cut their eye contact and look sideways. Her fast beating heart already knows the answer but she don't want to hear it. She tried to pull from his embrace but he did not even budge.

"If you are just going to stare, expecting me to know the answer, well, sorry, I don't know the answer. That's why I am asking" she said exasperated.

"Okay, I'll answer the question but only... Only if you answer my next question"

Nicomaine waited, they always do this. Prolonging the revelation of the answer they already both know by asking more questions.

"What are we?"

Nicomaine heard the thundering fast beating of her heart. This was one question she also doesn't want to answer. She took a deep breath and said, "Friends?"

"Friends that kissed?" He asked directly.

"You're the one that keep kissing!" she hits his arm but he just hugged her comfortably.

"So, what are we?" he asked, persistent.

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden? What if I ask you, do you love me? Are you beginning to fall in love with me?" she dared to asked.

Richard stiffened but he met her gaze. Determined. He said, "No, I didn't fall" she avoided his eyes. Stood up abruptly, she was about to go to the dining room when Richard hugged her from the back, "Stop running" he whispered.

"I am not running"

He placed his head at the crook of her shoulder and neck. "Tell me, how I could fall in love with you if..."

She turned, looked at him, their faces an inch apart, "If?"

Richard gives her a peck on her lips before saying, "...If I am already loving you" he turned her body to face him. He lean forward, kissed her forehead. "Cherry"

Nicomaine looked up, her eyes warm.

"So, you see..." he pinned some of her hair that went out of place to the back of her ear, "Before I realize I was falling, my heart already loves you. Can you see it? Have you felt it? Because I may not say the word but I always do it in my book is titled Finding Cherry...but it's actually, "Loving Cherry"

He tilted his head, smiling with his eyes twinkling as if the love he has is overflowing, "Loving you, cherishing you, is what I have been doing all this time...because I love you, Nicomaine"

"Richard, I am ...."

"No, you don't have to answer me. I love you because I love you. It's as simple as that"

_ _ _

A/N: Sabaw pa more *sorry!* Again, thank you for reading ^_^

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