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When I woke up it was dark, and when I opened my eyes my vision was blurry. I thought that it must be from the electric rod. I held my head in my hands with a splitting headache and I groaned. I got up and got some breakfast and suddenly while I was eating I thought ELLIE!!! I had completely forgotten about her. I nearly choked on my breakfast cereal. I jumped up and got my uniform in and ran to school. I ran past the empty bus stop, no Ellie.

I continued to sprint and I ran through the main entrance of the school. There was always separate classrooms for the people who had failed the test, there was meetings for family and friends that lasted for one week. I looked at the list that said what room everyone was in. I ran my finger down the list to the Q's and found it. Ellie Quincy, room 213. I ignored the basic schools rules of no running and I sprinted to the room. As I ran down the hall there was a guard outside of every room with someone who failed. 210, 211, 212.... AH HA 213! I slowly opened the door and saw her sitting at alone desk with her head down sobbing. I had never seen her this way before, she was always strong. I slowly walked up to her and I put my hand on her shoulder. She looked up at me with obvious tear marks going down her cheeks and red eyes. She said, "Max...." She got up shakily and leaned on my shoulder and cried. This continued for about 3 minutes until she finally said, "Max... I lied. I'm sorry." She looked up at me and I saw her lip quivering. "About what Ellie?" I said.
"I lied about being confident. I lied about thinking I did good on the test. And I lied about being exited for the results. I'm so sorry." When we were young we had made a promise to always tell the truth to each other and that had worked for the most part. The only thing we were allowed to lie about is who we loved because neither of us felt it was important to say who we liked. But at the time that was mainly because neither of us wanted to say who we liked, especially me. I pulled her into a hug and said, "Don't be sorry, don't ever be sorry for anything. I will get you out of this if it's the last thing I do... And that's a promise." I broke into tears and I held her tighter, I never wanted to let go.

After I said that I felt like I had dug myself into a bottomless pit. But I was determined. I wasn't going to let her go that easily.

One of the guards came in the door when the bell for 1st period rung. I could tell he was the one I had pushed down the bleachers because he had the same body type and when I had to leave he practically threw me out of the room. I looked over his shoulder at Ellie before I had to leave and I saw the sadness in her eyes. I almost teared up but I held myself together, I had to be the strong one now for the both of us. But I now knew that that would be harder than I thought.

All day long I thought about her in all my classes and I yearned for the day to end and the next morning to come so I could see her again. I didn't focus throughout any of my classes. My mind was filled with ways that I could get her out of there. But I knew none of them would work because they were all thought up by my already flustered mind.

I heard the final school bell ring and I almost jumped out of my seat to leave. But of course this was one of those days where the teacher is like, 'The bell doesn't dismiss you, I DO' he made us stay an extra five minutes for trying to leave.

So five minutes passed and he finally said, "Alright class, you are dismissed."

I walked out the door without running because I was definitely not risking getting a detention for something as stupid as running in the halls.


Later I got home and I went up to my room. I took out my journal where I keep all of my writing ideas and things that I need to remember and ripped out a blank page. I started to write down ideas. I wrote down things that made no sense and then I wrote down something that clicked a brilliant idea in my mind. I had been writing down everything that had happened when we heard the results. I wrote, and then I heard her name, Ellie Quincy. I stood up and put my hands out to protect her as guards started to walk up fer her I yelled, 'NO there must be a mistake!' I dropped my pencil on the paper and said, "That's it!" a little too loudly. But I didn't care how loud I was, I had a plan. One that may mean life or death

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