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I gave her a look that said, Oh Gowsh, plz don't kill meh.

She gave me a look back that said, U better get ur booty over here rite now or guuuurl I WILL kill u.

I didn't hesitate to slump my shoulders, hang my head, and follow her. She brought me away from the crowd of kids that were still talking with each other about what had just happened. She put her hands on her hips and suddenly gave me the biggest grin I had ever seen. I looked at her confused and my jaw dropped. She said, "Nice one Max." And patted me on the back as she went to calm the crowd of kids. I was about to ask her what she had meant but I decided that it didn't really matter. Once she walked away I smiled and mumbled, "Best. Teacher. Ever." And I guess she heard me because she looked back at me and said, "You know it Max." We both laughed and then the bell rang.

For the rest of the day all that anyone could talk about was the broadcast. I didn't see Grian for the rest of the day, not even at lunch and I got really worried. Had I just gotten my friend was in real trouble? I decided not to that no about it, tat maybe he had gotten out of there before the principal came and had just been hanging low to stay out of trouble... At least that's what I hoped.

By the time it was tenth period (last period) we all waited for our normal 2:00 announcement before we got to go home. Instead we heard this across the loud speakers:

(Mr. Sarden)
*crackling noise* *mumbles*
Oh, heh hem... Hello students. I know this is not your normal announcements but, this morning as you all may know, an announcement was played across the school concerning one student by the name of... Ellie Quincy. Now, we have not decided what we are going to do about what has been brought to our attention, but we will not tolerate rumors or talk of this incident around the school. We would like the student responsible for the announcement to come toward to me in private to discuss the matter. This student will not get in trouble as long as he or she tells only the truth. Thank you, have a nice day.

I heard the click of the microphone as the loud speaker silenced. The people in the classroom all leaned over and whispered to their friends, and for some people they talked to people that they had never talked to before because they all wanted to know who did it. Obviously I knew who did it but I wasn't quite sure what to do yet so I just played along. I heard people start rumors that Oh, I think that blah blah did it! And I shook my head, I can't believe that it has not even been a full school day and already rumors. I was glad to here though, that no one had suspected me, I guess that's because I didn't really talk to people outside of my close friends.

Finally after the teacher calmed the class down an got them to stop talking, I heard Ding Ding Ding! The bell, I felt bad because as soon as the bell rang everyone started to talk again and I saw our teacher hold his head. I guess our class had given him a real headache. I didn't know for sure, but I was gonna bet that a lot of other tears were doing the same thing right now. Now I had two choices, I could either go see Mr. Sarden tomorrow in hopes that he will mean what he said in the announcement and let Ellie go, or I could hope that he investigates more on his own and let's Ellie go. I only had one day to think about it because tomorrow would leave me with two days, and the next day she would be taken if Mr. Sarden didn't let her go.

I got my coat because it had started to get cold lately and I walked outdo my bike. I stood next to it and wiped my hands down my face. I brewed out deeply, making a light, white, wispy cloud of my breath in the clod air. It turned into little tiny frost bits and then disappeared. I smiled, it was such a childish thing to do but right now, with everything going on, I was going to take any chance I could get to laugh a little until I got Ellie out. And I was going to get her out, even if it's the last thing do.

Okay I know this one is pretty short and not a lot happens, but I felt like it was a good filler chapter while I was trying to think of more to write.

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