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The next morning I slowly got out of bed. I was so tired. I had lacked sleep for a while now, from going to bed late and worrying about everything, that just a little bit of sleep has put me off track. All I wanted was to lie back down in my bed and sleep. I picked out my clothes and sat down for a moment and put my head in my hands and dozed off.

I had woke up to my mom knocking on my door. I opened and closed my eyes a couple times before standing up and opening the door.

"Are you ready?" She asked. I looked at my watch, it had only been a couple if minutes and I had plenty of time to get my bike and leave. I gave her a tired and confused look as a response.

"I thought you should take the bus today seeing you're so tired... Plus your bike tire got a flat when I took it off the car." I nodded sleepily and mumbled, "When does the- when does it get here?" I asked.

"In around ten minutes. Hurry" she said and left. Ten minutes... Ten minutes! That woke me up a little bit and I scrambled to get ready.


Sitting on then bus felt awkward all alone, a lot of the seats were filled and I got the last empty one. I sat silently on the inside and read. Eventually the bus came to a stop to pick someone up, there was two people who I knew were brother and sister. The girl sat down in my seat, sitting as close to the edge as she could. Honestly I didn't mind, I didn't know her that well and I wasn't planning on making a new friend right now. I sighed inside my head when she looked at me and scooted closer. She put her bag on the outside of the seat which made less space between us and leaving me very uncomfortable. I could tell that after she saw me she wanted to scoot closer, she didn't even know me so I didn't get it.

She casually started the conversation, "Hey, I'm Shawna." She put on a nice smile.

I looked up from my book, "Hey. I'm Max." I said kind of dryly.

She looked disappointed and I felt bad, but only for a second after what she said next, "So I heard you got your girlfriend out of the thinning, she's really lucky to have you."

I panicked a little in my head, "She's not my girlfriend actually.." Not yet anyway..

"Oh so your single?"

"At the moment."

"So are you free any time soon? You seem really cool and you're really cute." She giggled.

"I'm not really interested right now... I'm sorry" I said apologetically. She frowned but I was lucky when the bus came to a squeaky halt in front of the school. I got up with my stuff and walked past her into the aisle and out the door without another word.


I wasn't sure what was going on today and if I would see Ellie or not. I was really hoping I would after what happened on the bus. I figured the story had spread pretty fast and I wasn't very ecstatic for the extra social interaction. I walked through the doors and walked quickly and quietly to my locker and grabbed everything I need for my first four classes. I walked into my first period class, English. Yes! At least I'd have Ms. Luna for some protection from everyone. When I walked in Ms. Luna's face lit up, she opened her arms wide and pulled me into a hug.

She choked up a bit, "Max, you did it. Ellie's going to be let go and Mr. Sarden is going to stop the thinning, for good." She began to cry. My mind exploded with thoughts of Ellie and no more thinning, happy faces and no worry. It was really sudden but i couldn't help but be absolutely amazed and happy. I did it? I did it. I did it!! I smiled so big mg cheeks hurt. I dropped my things on the floor right there and pulled Ms. Luna into another hug. I was never a hugger but now was different. Things were changing and it was the greatest feeling I had ever felt. A few happy tears escaped my eyes but I quickly wiped them away.

"Th-thank you so much. Do you know where she is?"

She breathed in and wiped her own tears, "Mr. Sarden is with her somewhere but nobody is allowed there right now. Try third period. And max, don't thank me. I have to thank you." She paused, "My husband would be so happy, even though I'm the English teacher I truly cannot find the words to thank you enough."

"He would be happier knowing that you did everything to help me. And really, I owe my gratitude to him for all of the support he has given to us both mentally and to you for doing everything and if weren't for you I would probably be dead along with all of the other people in The Thinning. Thank you so much." The bell rang and the class began to rush in.

"You better get to your seat Max, I think I need a minute to collect myself and all of my thoughts, in a good way." I nodded and took a seat. As I suspected earlier everyone surrounded my seat and began to ask questions. I kept hearing the word girlfriend over and over. I mean, I wasn't mad about it but I just wished they didn't remind me about it right now. I knew I might see her third period but it still seemed like eternity.

I didn't actually hear any individual questions but I got the gist of it, "Ellie is fine and hopefully everyone else is too." One reason that I was lacking sleep was because I had been keeping track of all the people in the thinning, I knew everyone that had family members that were there. "Sarah, your brother will be perfectly fine. Phil, your boyfriend will come out just as before, every brown hair in perfect place. And Jenny all of your family and foster family will come back and I want all of you to greet them with hugs and smiles. I hope you all will appreciate your friends, family's, loved ones, and even people you don't know. You never know what could happen." I breathed deeply as everyone stared at me shocked. The second bell rang and Ms. Luna told everyone to take their seats. I could still feel their eyes on me but I felt better after letting that out.


I had pretty much blanked out during second period with the exception of a few politely asked questions. It was now third period and I was eager to leave, I stayed for attendance and immediately left afterwards and headed straight for the principles office. I smiled at the lady at the front desk and went to Mr. Sardens door. I walked in to see him sitting and talking to Ellie. I stood inside the doorway, unable to move. After a click from the door closing they simultaneously looked at me. Ellie jumped up from the chair she was in and sprung herself on me. I hugged her and lifted her of the ground and spun her in the air. When I put her down neither of us released the hug, instead we looked at each other. I wanted to remember this moment so I scanned her face closely. Her eyes were bright blue with tears welling up on her water line. She wasn't wearing makeup, revealing her perfect pale complexion. She wore light blue ripped jeans and a loose grey T-shirt. She was beautiful as always, she had wrinkle lines on her nose and a smile that could make anyone swoon. Her hair was in a low ponytail and she had some hairs in front of her face. I pushed her hair behind her ears and leaned in. Her lips were as soft and smooth as before, I put my hands on her waist pulling her closer while her hands stayed around my neck from the hug. My heart leapt, I wish this would never end. Eventually, Ellie backed away and looked at my face. She looks like she was trying to scan my face as I had done to hers. Mr. Sarden spoke up, "Max, I want to thank you for everything. But now, please have your time with Ellie." He left the room leaving Ellie and I together.

"Max! Oh that feels good to say, Max. I love you." Ellie said.

"I love you more" I said.

"I would try to object but after all you've done for me and everyone else I couldn't win if I wanted to." She laughed. Her laugh was precious and soft.

Our time was short lived when we heard Mr. Sarden out the door. "Stop! You can't!" We heard him yell.

Then, BANG!

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