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I thought about when Ellie and I were kids and her mom used to be the nicest woman you ever met. But now that changed completely. I wondered if it was her fathers idea. Or maybe it was both of them. I didn't care, both of their signatures were at the bottom of the page so they were both to blame. I read the page over and over a thousand times each time scanning the signatures, and each time my anger grew. Eventually I went to bed tired out by my own anger.

The next morning I got up and shoved the note into my bag and sped off to school on my bike. I got there and went back to the room, room 213. I knew it had only been a day since I saw her but it had felt like an eternity. My heart raced and I walked in. She was sobbing all alone in her room. I walked up to her slowly and she looked up at me with a red face and red eyes from crying. I knew she was crying because of me. She wiped her eyes and tried to hide her tears and look angry. She crosses her arms over her chest and said, "Nobody." She paused and I did too waiting for her to finish. "Not one person came yesterday, not even you. You know, I have could ted on your presence for the last couple of days to keep me sane. And without you here I- I am not okay." Her voice cracked and she sniffed in concealing her tears behind her blue eyes. I kneeled down next to her and pulled out the paper. She looked at it and held out her hand wanting to see what it was. I pushed into into her hands but before she could take it, I snatched it back quickly. Tears formed in my eyes. She looked irritated and she held out her hand one more time. I put it in her hand once again and she quickly grabbed it and held it away from me. She read the front page and the back page. Her eyes changed from every emotion possible while she was reading. And when she finished she dropped the paper on the floor. She whispered lightly, "Max. What is that note." I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. How was I supposed to explain to the love of my life that her parents signed her up for death. I couldn't.

There was a long silence that was broken by her soft sobs. I heard a guard coming to the door and I quickly picked up the note and shoved it in my bag. I walked over to her and whispered into her ear, "I'm sorry Ellie, I will get you out of this." I paused as the guard opened the door and quickly said still whispering, "Ellie." She looked up at me and I finished, "Ellie, I love you, for real. And I promise everything will be okay." I got up and walked out of the room. Ellie called after me as I walked out, "Max. Max!" I turned around and kept walking backwards out if the room and I said, "Tomorrow. Tomorrow I will fix everything." I turned back around and left.

The Thinning AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora