Not an Update

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Hoi, so this isn't an update I just wanted get some things cleared up.

When I began this book, I had never watched the actual move "The Thinning" it was only based on what I had heard about it and part of the plot. I just watched it for the first time actually, (and may I say, IT WAS AMAZING!)

Also, I did not know that the actual characters name was Ellie. Like what!? How does that happen! I never knew that!!!! I was just making a random name that I liked!!! That's kinda weird but awesome at the same time XD

And I'm very sorry if you have clicked on this book after watching the movie and thinking it was a real Fanfiction for it.. And I'm sorry if you are part of the Logang (#Logang4life!!) And this book is terrible .-.

Alright, continue casually scrolling through wattpad..

M'kay bai
*drops smoke bomb and awkwardly leaves*
-Trash Out

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