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I walked worriedly to my next class. I knew Mr. Sarden was going to let all of the kids go, including Ellie, but I still had a sense of worry in the back of my mind. I continued to my ninth period class, math. I handed my teacher the late pass from Mr. Sarden and walked to a seat at the back of the class. It was math and ere was a test coming up soon, but I couldn't concentrate. I looked at the teacher as she walked around the front of the room and occasionally wrote notes on the chalkboard but I always ended up diverting my attention to the window. I couldn't stop thinking about her pale, perfect complexion, and her beautiful blue eyes. I kept replaying the moment we kissed over and over in my head. The way her lips felt on mine, I remember exactly what she looked like that day. She had on a light pastel pink sweater with light blue jeans, she wore a white knitted hat. Her hair was in a braid that flowed down her back and her bags fell perfectly around her face poking from beneath her hat. I remember the moment when her brow that was crinkled in worry turned into shock when I had told her I loved her. But most of all I remember the kiss. Her soft pink lips. I never wanted to forget that moment.

My daydream was interrupted by the phone ringing. Our teacher went to pick it up which led to everyone else n the calls talking as much as they could in the short time of the phone call. The teacher got off the phone and paused. Everyone went silent and then he finally said, "Max, main office." After the rest of the class had finished their Ooohs I stood up from my seat and headed towards the main office.

I was kind of scared, I would've been fine if it wasn't the main office. It wasn't the principals office where Mr. Sarden was, it was the Main Office where parents come to pick up their sick kids, or teachers come to pick up their mail, or something like that. My fear turned into worry and panic when I walked up to the door. I pushed it open with a creak to see Crystal. My mother, standing there talking to a woman at a desk. I froze for a second, she turned to me and instead of the normal smile I get when I see her, it was a look of disappointment and almost anger. "Alright Mrs. Northon, you can take Max right after you sign this paper." the woman at the desk said. My mother turned around and leaned over the desk and started furiously writing on the paper. So she's taking me... This is like one of those sick kid pick ups. She had already turned around, she seemed really eager to leave. "Come on Max." She said in a serious mom tone. She left the room and I quickly followed behind her. "What are we doing mom?" I asked carefully. "Not we. You. Wait until we get home and I'll explain, with your father." The last words made me shiver, I wasn't afraid of my father, but the way she said it hit me like a ton of bricks.

The car ride home was silent. We had strapped my bike to the back of the car. I didn't dare move to turn on the radio or move at all. This was the most uncomfortable I had ever felt, especially around my mom. I glanced at her a couple of times but she was always in the same position, staring dead straight at the road not moving her gaze an inch. I sat with my hands in my lap and my back pack at my feet the whole rest if the trip and looked out the window until we had made it home.


We walked through the door, to my right was the kitchen where my father sat at the table. He had a coffee next to him and didn't really do anything when my mom and I walked in. "Should I put my bag away fir-" I was about to asked before my mother cut in, "Sit." I obeyed her and sat quickly. "Kevin, put down your coffee and pay attention." My dad rolled his eyes and kept drinking. My mom sighed but continued, "Max, we got a call from Ellie's parents saying that you upset them. They sounded terrified! Now, they wouldn't tell me what you did. Care to explain?" I was furious. I banged my fist on the table and yelled, "They said that I upset THEM!? What kind of low people-" I stopped myself and breathed slowly. My mom's look of disappointment became a look of worry, "Maxy... What are you so upset about?" Her eyes were sympathetic and I felt bad for yelling now. "They are not good people mom. Trust me." My dad finally decided yo talk, "The Quincy's have been friendly all these years, what do you mean? Max, you have to explain." I summed up the story about Jasmine and what she told me about Ellie's inheritance. The whole time my parents faces shifted and they struggled to sit still in their seats. I could tell they were waiting for their chance to speak, but I wasn't done. I told them about the needles and things in the schools basement, I told them everything. I was rambling on about everything and mixing up the order of things but I knew that my parents could tell what I meant. The last thing I told them about was Ellie. I told them how she had been wrongfully chosen for the thinning, how I visited her, how we kissed. I ran through that part quickly so they wouldn't get side tracked from the main point of my rambling.

When I was finally finished there was a long pause. My dad interrupted the silence, "What is your principal going to do about Ellie's parents? Because if he doesn't do something, I will." He had a look of determination now. I actually hadn't thought about Ellie's parents when I talked to Mr Sarden. "I-I don't know if he's going to do something... I can ask him tomorrow first thing. All I talked to him about was letting Ellie go. But where will she go with her parents being terrible people right now?" There was slight hesitation but my mother quickly said, "She can stay with us! I'm not letting her go anywhere near her parents without us there. And plus... Max and Ellie will get along fine." She nudged my shoulder. I could feel my cheeks burning, I didn't know why. I wasn't embarrassed to like her, it was just a natural reaction. My dad shot her a look and she quickly stopped. A couple seconds later she glanced at the clock, "Oh gosh, its already 9:00. Why don't you grab something to eat and do some homework before bed." She shooed me off to my room where I did most of the work I had been putting off for the past week. I fell asleep at around 1:25 at my desk and waited for tomorrow.

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