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Ellie's POV

I could hear the faint sound of sirens so I helped Max upstairs. Mr. Sardens body was no longer there and Ms. Little didn't have to watch Shawna anymore. I sat Max down in a chair and stood next to him while two police officers walked over to us. They both wore all black uniforms unlike the rest of them who wore a dark blue uniform with black pants, I assumed they were the leaders of their group. They sent a small group downstairs before talking to us.

The male officer had red hair, his badge said... Zopher. "Don't worry about her," he said gesturing towards Shawna. In a menacing tone he finished, "I'll take care of her." He walked away from us and towards Shawna.

The female officer had short dark brown hair and she was called Cruz on her badge. I could see she had drawn whiskers on her hand.. She also had a very dead and serious expression on her face, "Lol, imma go help him just in case" she made a peace sign on her hand before walking over and helping the other officer take Shawna out of the room. I didn't know people actually said lol out loud.. I turned to  Max and chuckled a little bit.

Another officer that had long brown hair was watching the Cruz girl go out the door until it shut and she snapped out of her stare and came over to us. Her name was Elodie Heart, "Hey guys, whats up?" Max and I didn't say anything so she just made some finger guns and and skipped away in the direction the other two went. "Wow she was really beautiful. I think she could win an award with how beautiful she was.." I said to Max. He smirked and replied, "Not as beautiful as you Ellie." I smiled at his cheesy but flattering line.

Outside the door I heard a female voice yell, "B**CH MY NAME IS JAY AND YOU BETTER RESPECT THE BADGE OR ELSE I WILL BURN YOU LIKE THE SUN CAUSE I AM THE F***ING SUN!" I assumed she was yelling at Shawna and honestly I wasn't complaining.

After a little while all of the police left and so did Ms. Little. Max and I sat on a bench outside the office. He was slumped down and I laid across his lap. We simultaneously let out a sigh.

"I'm glad that's all over." Max said, "No more Thinning, no more secret basement, no more death."

"Yeah." I agreed.

"Hey, Ellie. Do you wanna maybe come live with me and my family?"

I had forgotten about my awful parents that were probably going to prison with Jasmine and Shawna. "That sounds amazing." I couldn't wait to be with Max without a storm of craziness around us. I truly loved him (well I hope so after you both risked your lives for each other XD)

I felt Max do a slight fist pump and I smiled.

"Hey Max?"


"I love you."

"I love you too."

The End! I'm glad I wrote this and I wanted to thank everyone who read it!

As you probably could tell this was a pretty joke filled epilogue, the beginning police characters were based off of some amazing readers/friends of mine!

Zopher: Zopher59
Cruz: TheHiddenSpirit and Artisticawkwardness
Elodie Heart: LODisamazing
Jay: KiwiKitten325

Go follow them please! They are all amazing people!

Mkay.. Bai.

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