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I got on my bike and started to ride home. The cold and feisty air started to hit my face. A gust of freezing air blew at me and pushed my hair out of my face. I saw snow come along with it. I laughed and stuck out my tongue. The first snow fall of the year. Winter was my favorite season, I loved everything about it, the snow, the clothes you could wear, the days off of school, and the days where you could come home and drink hot cocoa and rap yourself in a blanket. It brought me a sort of childish feeling, and it made me feel like there wasn't a care in the world.

I thought about Ellie. She always hated winter because she would always get sick and I wouldn't. She hated the cold and the snow. She always picked out the biggest winter coat she could find and she would put it on top of a sweatshirt because she would freeze to death just standing under a shady tree. I loved to come to her house on weekends and take care of her when she was sick. She always insisted that I shouldn't because she thought that she would get me sick too, but I haven't gotten sick in four years. I never get the flu shot, and Ellie always gets hers. I realized I was smiling like an idiot, I was happy that the streets weren't very busy.

I got to my house and instead of going upstairs I went into the kitchen and grabbed a packet of hot cocoa and warmed up some water. I opened the cupboard above the sink and grabbed some marshmallows because I always loved extra marshmallows. I went to the fridge and I grabbed the milk. I heard the stove's alarm go off for the water and I poured it into a mug with winter mittens in the front. I put everything in but I kept the marshmallows for last. One, two, three, four, five. I had figured out through my years if drinking hot cocoa, that five was the perfect amount. I held it in my cold hands and let the warm of the mug seep into my hands. I carefully walked upstairs doing everything I could to savor every last drop and not spill it. I sat down at my desk and got out my homework. I took a sip of my hot cocoa and relaxed in my seat. This was the first time in a long time I had relaxed. Between the test, Ellie, and everything els that has been going on, I haven't had very much time to just relax. I did my homework and got into a warm pair of pajamas. They were winter themed with two snowmen on the front holding hands. I had waited all year to wear those, I went downstairs and took care of my now empty mug and then went back to my room and laid in bed. I looked up at the ceiling with my head against my mound of pillows. I stared at the blank white ceiling and drifted off to sleep.

Bip bip bip!
I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Oh shoot! I had fallen asleep and I hadn't made my decision on what to do about Ellie. I decided to do the one that may work the best. I was going to have to talk to Mr. Sarden myself.

I grabbed my clean uniform out of my dresser and got changed. I put on my winter coat and raced to school on my bike. I could finally talk to Ellie, I know it hasn't been very long at all but I just love to talk to her.

I ran to the same room as always and opened the door to see her staring blankly at one of the walls. She turned to me slowly and said, "Max, what was that yesterday morning? I know it was you." I said, "Its the next step in my plan to get you free!"
"Why are you doing this? Why are you doing all these things for me? Why do you love me of all people!?" She started to cry. I took her in my arms and rested her head on my shoulder. "Ellie, you are beautiful, smart, funny, creative, and words can't express the feelings I have for you. There is no word that exists that could make you understand how much I love you. Ellie, I would die for you if I had to." I pulled her in closer and we stood and hugged for about 30 seconds. I could feel her breathing against my chest and it progressively slowed until she finally said without moving, "Max... Can I tell you something?" I let her go and backed away to see her face. "Of course, what is it Ellie?"
"Max, I love you too." She walked slowly towards me and stood on her tip toes, she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. Her lips were as soft and smooth as they looked. I put my hands around her waist and pulled her in. My heart was beating at first but now, it had calmed down. I didn't want this to end. She stood back on her flat feet and looked up at me to see what I would say. But there were no words, my mouth opened and words were supposed to come out but instead it was just silent until Ellie chuckled a little. Her laugh made me laugh too.

A guard opened the door and stopped the laughing but they didn't stop the smiles. I hugged her tight and said, "I love you." And then the guard pulled me off and brought me out the door. And the last thing I saw before the guard closed the door was her smile. I almost melted from her smile and I stumbled out the door just as the bell rang.

Okay, I loved writing this chapter! It made my heart sink just thinking about it! If these characters went to my school irl I would ship them so much!! Comment of you ship them!

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