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"IF you have a party I need to know who's coming and I need to be in contact with ALL of their parents. IF you're having it in the pool the boys WILL be there to watch over you guys. Understood?"

Maddie and I nodded frantically. Mid-summer party is official.

"I'm serious Jamie."

"I got it mom."

She rolled her eyes and looked at Maddie, "You'll do it right, won't you MJ?"

"MJ, Maddie Jordan, I like it Mrs. Payne."

"Honey, we've known each other long enough for you to call me Eden."

"Oh but it reminds me of your wedding day" Maddie chirped. My mom tinged with a grin on her face.

Oh boy.

That day was sooo boring.

Everyone kept giving me jobs and I was dads best man so that made it worst.

I was happy for my mom and she was super flustered the entire time, especially when she got carried away with that kiss. Bleh.


"Now it's time for the couples dance."

"Finally" I muttered, wanting to get away from this altar. Dad lead mom to the dance floor and I tried my hardest to disappear from all the family members. Especially Grandma Karen. She has a habit of ruffling my hair and doting on how I supposedly look like my dad.

I was just about to round a corner when I hear "Noah mi angelito."

Okay...first of all my abuelita is the most confusing old lady in the world but don't call her old. I can't understand what she's saying half the time. Her spanish accent is way to strong to understand. I don't know how my mom does it. Well, I guess because my mom's bilingual and usually speaks spanish with her. That's not the point! 

I can't be seen by her but I guess it's too late. "Hi abuelita" I mumble. "I haven't seen you in years. Come give me a hug." I reached my arms at and she nearly squeezed the lights out of me. 

"How are you? Where's you're little girlfriend?" she smiled. I wanted to groan but this was my abuelita I was speaking to. "We're not little, we're eleven and she's not my girlfriend."

"Oh but she will be. Trust me, you see your mom and Liam over there?" she pointed and I followed. I saw my mom and dad kissing as they swayed to the music. They pulled away and smiled, nuzzling their noses together. Ew.

"Yes I see them."

"They were best friends when they were younger. I guess one day they found a liking to one another."

"Thanks for the history lesson abuelita but I have to go."

She sent me away with a fat kiss to my cheek. 

I walked around seeing many people but still feeling alone.

Where is she?

She was one of the bridesmaids and now I can't find her.

I heard sniffling and sobbing from behind a tree. I went to see who it was and saw Maddie there. Her dress had dirt on the knees and her face was tear streaked. "What's wrong?" I asked. She looked a bit startled to see me. She wiped at her eyes and stood up, dusting herself off. 


"Nothing's wrong..."

"You're crying. You can tell me why."

"I can't remember my dad" she mumbled.

"Oh...I'm sorry."

"I can't even remember what he looked like or what we used to do together."

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