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Eden's POV:

"W-what are you doing here?" I whispered, avoiding his question completely, unconsciously pulling at the hem of Harry's shirt that I wore. I'm so glad it's black. My whole body was red from embarrassment but I doubt that'd be the only thing Liam would see if the shirt was translucent.

"I asked you first" he snapped, his eyebrows descending on his forehead.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. You're at my door, don't make me slam it."

"In my house."

"Yeah, you might've paid for it then but I'm paying shit now so unless you have a reason for your visit I advise you to leave."

He gritted his teeth. So much so that I could see the way his jaw ticked.

"I came to see Logan."

"He's out right not with Jamie."

"Oh, well, when will he get back?"

"An hour or so..." "Can I stay until then?" "I don't think that's such a good ide-" "Why?" he gritted.

"I was sort of busy!" I yelled, instantly regretting it once it left my mouth. He didn't need to know my business but my anger with his fueled me.

"Yeah, getting fucked" he mumbled.

"Hey!" Harry's voice boomed from behind me. I hear his approaching steps and I gulp from nerves, wondering what was going to happen next. "Don't talk to her like that!"

"Did you not fuck her!"

"We didn't fuck!"

I turned and laid my hand on Harry's chest to calm him. "Shh" I softly hushed. He took deep breathes and it even slightly cracked. I hoped he wouldn't cry. He looked deep into my eyes and slightly nodded. His hands came to rest shakily on my waist and I knew he was trying to chill himself. 

"It was special" he whispered. I nodded, "It was." "It meant everything." "It did." "I love you" he mumbled and leaned in, connecting our lips. I kept it swift and meaningful. Even though the wind from the open door behind me brushed my legs, I felt warm inside. It replaced nearly everything inside of me and kept me holding onto him.

When I did pull away, I told Harry to got upstairs and shower before getting the kids.

When I met eyes with Liam again, a sense of soothingness from Harry's words came over me. "Come inside."

I offered him water and served it to him before going upstairs to throw on some underwear shorts and a proper t-shirt.

Harry got out of the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist and water glistening over his chest. 

"You didn't join me" he playfully pouted. "I'm sorry, baby" I said, kissing his cheek. 

"You want me to get them now?" he asked, referring to the kids. "That would be great. The sooner they're here, sooner Liam can leave."

"I can't believe he said that to you." "Me neither" I sighed. 

I picked up some things off of the floor and, for the hundredth time, almost put them in the wrong place. Ever since I changed rooms I've been getting confused  by where things go. Harry had been the one that offered to vacate my things out of the master bedroom and into the guest room once he noticed I couldn't lie in that bed without crying. I'm so glad Harry had helped me build up my room in here and most of his things are laying around and it makes me remember who I had coming through here. 

He's helped me so much and he reminds me nearly everyday of how I 'saved' him. He told me that after Anna died he wanted to kill himself and end his miserable life. I kept telling him that he had so much to live of and how Anna would've wanted him to be happy.

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