I swear to you

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I'm nearly miserable with nothing to do. I invite Carter over every now and then but all we do is play video games and after a while it gets boring. Sometimes Logan comes and entertains me because we're both pretty bored in this house. School starts next week and I already can't wait to graduate and leave somewhere on my own.

My mom seems sad these days and dad is almost never home. He tells us he's spending time with the boys but I think he needs to be here for mom more often. 

It's afternoon and I just got done talking on the phone with Carter about hanging out tomorrow.

I go downstairs to check out what my mom is doing. She's doing the dishes but I hear her sniffling over the running water. I walk towards her and stand beside her. "What's wrong?"

She looks to the side, a bit startled to see me there and tries to wipe her tears but her wet hands don't help any. "Um," she bit her lip and quickly released it to answer, "I got a call from Harry this morning." Harry? "What did he say?" "Anna was um...she was in a crash last night and...um...she didn't make it" she cries. 


I didn't know what to say or do. I know I should shed a tear or two but all I can do is feel for her. She lost a really good friend and potentially the love of Harry's life.

"Harry was so broken" she ranted, still sobbing through her words, "He didn't sound sad just...empty. He sounded so lifeless."

I know my mom felt for Harry. They were really close friends these days. 

I grabbed a dry towel from beside me and took my moms hands out of the sink to dry them. "What are you doing?" she asked, tears streaking down her face. "I'll finish" I told her, offering her a small smile. She forced one back and went upstairs where I knew she could cry for as long as she wanted. Logan soon came downstairs as I was finishing the last plate and complained about being hungry. I dried my hands and made him a grilled cheese, something he shouldn't eat because of his new diet but let him eat anyway. Nothing's wrong with a little cheating.

I go to the living room and turn on the TV, trying to find entertainment in it. When the Avengers seem to be playing I instantly thought of Maddie. When her and I first saw it we had this big debate about how their team would work. It was a foolish argument but I'd rather have that right now than nothing.

Her and I were...friends. That's it. We were mutual about each other in a way. We talked occasionally now and seemed to have forced laughter. It wasn't like us and I didn't want it.

I rather not have her as a friend than pretend that were are. She never talks about her and Donnie so I don't even know if they're still dating. I never know what she's doing and she never knows for me either.

We just aren't that close anymore since that fight over her diary. I know I shouldn't have read it but now that I know the truth I feel different. 

That night I think about this summer and how it stripped me of my best friend.I fall into a deep sleep up until a knock is heard on my door.

I know who it is...Logan. He's been having bad dreams since before I can even remember. I open the blankets for him and he climbs in next to me. He always knows to keep his distance from me but tonight he seems really scared and confused. I wrap an arm around and let him snuggle into my side. "Noah" he whimpers. "Yeah?"

"W-who's Lea?"


I haven't heard that name in a long time. I don't remember much of her but the basics. I know she's my twin and she died when we were only a few months old. I know I used to have dreams of her when I was younger. 

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