A Cuddling Hangover (two)

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My eyes shot open when my face was squished by something, or someone.

"Oh, sorry, Emi," I heard Ciara's sweet voice say. I pushed her face off of me and tried to get out but I was locked in her death grip.

"Please, get off of me," I said angrily, pushing her more harshly. She shook her head, smiling and cuddled deeper into me. She looked at me with her head to the side, as if thinking about something. I could see the gears turning in her head. She smirked before whispering,

"I'll let you go if you cuddle me back," My eyes widened and I could feel the anger flowing through my veins. I mean, yes. I do enjoy being this close to a gorgeous human being, but not right now.

"Excuse me? No! Let go now!" I yelled trying to wiggle my way out of her grip. She smiled and dug her face into the crook of my neck. She inhaled deeply sending shivers down my back.

"All you have to do is cuddle with me," She said cutely, making me want to eat her up.


Not in the perverted way.



Okay, maybe a little in the perverted way but she's still my enemy and I still hate her!


"Whatcha thinking about there, princess?" She said, peeking up through her blonde hair. She looks so adorable right now. 

"N-nothing," I answered lamely, staring at the ceiling, trying not to think about how she's practically on top of me right now.

"Thinking about my offer?" She asked, taking a piece of my dark hair hair and twirling it around her finger. I shook my head and closed my eyes. I stayed like that for a few minutes before opening my eyes to see if she was asleep.

She wasn't. Strangely, she was watching intensely.

"Please?" She whispered, giving me her best puppy dog eyes and a pout. She looked so adorable. I took in her appearance and sighed, giving up.

"Fine," I whispered back, wrapping my arms around her figure and digging my head into her coffee smelling hair. She squealed and wrapped her leg around me. She moved closer, so close that I could feel every party of her body pressed up against mine.

She sighed happily, squeezing me tightly. I rolled my eyes but did the same thing. I'm only doing this so that I can get out of here, right?

I giggled when I heard her soft snores. Guess I have to sleep as well, since there is no way I'm breaking out of her grip when she's like 1000 times stronger than me.

 Oh well.


"HOW DARE YOU CIARA!" My eyes shot open when I heard the familiar voice of my best friend. There, she stood at the foot of the bed looking the angriest I have ever seen her, looking down at me and Ciara cuddling together under the covers.

"How dare I what?" Ciara said, still sleepy and cuddled up next to me. How did Maisie even get in here?

"HOW DARE YOU JUST KIDNAP MY BEST FRIEND! I'LL KILL YOU!" She yelled before jumping on the bed pushing me off of the bed before beginning her attack on Ciara. I groaned in pain, rubbing my butt as I watched the two claw at each other.

"What do you mean kidnap? She's my girlfriend now," Ciara said, in the middle of pushing Maisie off of her. My eyes widened as I felt the heavy blush upon my cheeks. Maisie's eyes widened too, before she shook her head fast, as if not believing it.

"No she's not. She would never date an asshole like you," She spat, standing up, getting dangerously close to Ciara. I stood up, despite the pain, and grabbed my phone and my belongings, the fighting pair paid no attention to me. Then, I went over to the side of the bed and stopped Maisie's hand from slapping Ciara across the face.

"What?" Maisie asked sharply, before I dragged her out of Ciara's room and down the stairs. Before reaching the bottom of the stairs, Courtney was waiting there, arms crossed.

"Move out of the way, please," I said, glaring at Courtney. She grinned before poking my cheeks. I glared at her harder making her grin even more wider.

"You're hot when you're angry," She said checking me out. I shook my head and pushed her out of the way.

"Ooh, and your friend is hot too!" Courtney yelled as we ran out of the front door. Surprisingly, Maisie's cheeks reddened as I rose my eyebrows, not questioning it.


"So, spill, right now," Maisie said, sitting down on her bed with a tub of ice cream in her hand and a spoon in the other.

"What do you mean?" I asked eating my chocolate ice cream, sitting on the floor. She looked at me like I was crazy and shook her head, rolling her eyes.

"I mean, it's not like you disappeared for a day with Ciara," She said her name in disgust, I shook my head and replied.

"She's not that bad."

"What do you mean she's not that bad? She's terrible."

"Not really, she took care of me last night," I said, blushing slightly at the memory of us cuddling in her bed. I sighed happily. She spit out her ice cream, it landing all over my face.

"Excuse me? Are you okay right now? DID SHE DRUG YOU? I'LL KILL HER!" She said, standing up, I pushed her down and wiped my face along her sleeve earning a groan of disgust from her.

"No, no. She genuinely took care of me. She accidentally twisted my ankle bu-" I started.

"-accidentally? SHE DID IT ON PURPOSE!" She almost yelled. I shook my head and place my hands on her shoulder and lightly shook her.

"She. Did. Not. Hurt. Me." I said looking straight in her eyes. She looked at me in disbelief before sighing.

"Okay fine, but  still don't trust her," I grinned happily letting go of her and continuing to finish my ice cream.


"Bye Maiz," I waved while she walked down my driveway. She gave me her middle finger in response, I giggled. 

Just as I turned around and closed the door, the doorbell rang. I turned around and sighed. Maisie must have left her keys or something. I opened the door without looking out the window.

"What have you forgotten this time Maisie? I told you to double check so I wouldn't have to-" I stopped myself when I saw that Maisie wasn't behind the door, Ciara was. I gasped and glared at her.

"Why are you here?" I asked. When she didn't answer, I sighed and stood my ground. "Never mind, how did you find my house?" No answer. Instead, she stepped forwards, grabbing my chin.

"W-What are you doing?" I stuttered out as my cheeks flushed a light pink. She flashed me a million dollar smile before bringing our lips in a slow and gentle kiss. Her lips were so soft. She licked my lips for permission and I gladly opened my mouth slightly letting her tongue explore my mouth. I realized what I was doing and I pushed her off of me only to have her pull me back against her.

"You think you can get away?" She whispered huskily into my ear.

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