Sorry (seventeen)

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 | have a good day <3

"Okay, now can you tell me what happened? I promise I won't go ballistic." Ciara said while closing my bedroom door. I sighed and ran my fingers through my ponytail. She was leaning against my door with her arms crossed, a pointed look on her face.

"ShesortakissedmeandbasicallytoldmeshethatI'mhers." I blurted out in a quick breath. I shut my eyes and waited for her response. I heard her shift across the floor before sitting besides me on my bed. My heart was beating so fast, I was sure she could hear it.

"What? Slow down there." She said slowly. I nodded, my eyes still closed, and repeated what I said. Slowly, this time.

"Hayden kissed me, and told me that I'm-"

"SHE WHAT?!" Ciara roared, shooting up from my bed. I sighed. I knew this was going to happen. Her voice radiated with hatred and disgust. She paced around my room, fists balled. "Please don't break my heart, Emeri." She muttered low as she continued pacing. My eyebrows scrunched together in confusion.

"What?" She stopped and faced me. 

"Did you kiss her back?" Her tone was serious.  I shook my head rapidly. She got this whole thing wrong.

"What?! No! Of course not, Ciara. I don't know if you know this but I am completely in -interested-" I coughed. "in you. Not Hayden." I cleared up, hoping she wouldn't catch on to my mistake. She looked skeptical, which irritated me a little. "What?" I snapped. She glared at me, and huffed. 

"You're telling the truth, right?" My irritation rose more. I stood up and marched up to her.

"Are you serious right now, Ciara? Yes! I would never cheat on you!" She still looked doubtful of my words. 

"Okay! Sorry, I just freaked out. I just don't wanna lose you." Quietly, she walked over to me and engulfed me in a hug. I sighed and dug my face in her hair.

"It's okay. Can we actually talk now?" I mumbled into her hair. She sighed and nodded.

"Spill." She ordered with a pout. I quickly complied. 

"Okay, so at the mall I tried looking for her. She called me saying that she was near the bathrooms, so I followed. Turns out, she didn't think that I was actually there, and was so surprised when I turned up. I chased her into the bathrooms where she locked herself up. She started-"

"Okay, okay. Never mind. Maybe I don't wanna know how that bitch managed to kiss you." She vented, completely irritated. 

"Sorry, I shouldn't have allowed her the space. I don't know what I was thinking, I'm so sorry." She shushed me and put her finger on my lips.

"Hey, it's okay. It's not like you could've done anything." She muttered in defeat.

"Yeah." I leaned in and sighed into her shoulder. Silence engulfed us.

"You hungry?" She said suddenly. I nodded and stood up. "Pretty soon, you'll forget all about Hayden." She promised. I gulped. I sure hope so.


"Wait, so she kissed you?" Maisie asked, completely exasperated. I nodded and dug my face deeper into my bed. "And you told Ciara?" I nodded, trying to wrap my head about what happened. "Did she freak?"

"Yes, I mean-"

"Did she hit you?!" She raised her voice. I quickly shook my head. 

"No, I meant that she was mad but not at me. At Hayden." I answered reassuringly. She let out a sigh of relief. A pang of irritation flowed through me. After all this time, she still can't trust Ciara? "Come on, Maisie. I thought after a while you would realize that Ciara would never hurt me like that." I said disappointed. 

"There's something I have to tell you, Emeri." She said in a quick, hushed voice. I lifted my head off my bed and gave her my full attention. "She isn't the good girl you think she is." What? My heart shook as she continued, her eyes telling me to keep silent. "A few years ago, at a student council meeting, I heard some girls talk about her." She gulped. "It wasn't good." I nodded, urging her to go on. In my head, I hoped that what she was about to say wasn't true, but deep down I knew she was going to tell the truth. Besides, I didn't even know much about her past.

"What is it?" I asked, my voice trembling. My heart beat quickened as my best friend looked me in the eye, an apologetic look on her face.

"My classmates said that-" She paused, clearing her throat. "said that she abused her past boyfriend." My heart stopped.

"She what?" I was shocked. Everything I thought I knew about her shattered. I said nothing as my head replayed all our moments together. I closed my eyes, trying to recall if anything she has said or done to me in the past was abusive. I jumped slightly as I felt Maisie's hand on my shoulder.

"At first I thought it wasn't true. Ciara was always the playful one, but I didn't think she would end up like that." She said sourly.

"Like what?"

"I should've known sooner. She was overly possessive, but everyone around her thought that she was just being cute or just acting. She would get jealous over the tiniest things, and stopped Jason from hanging out with his friends. I used to be really good friends with him, I knew something was up when he stopped going to classes regularly to skip with Ciara. He wasn't that kind of person to just skip classes." Jason. I knew him. Was a nice guy, a gentleman. Liked by many students at school. To hear that Ciara was this controlling over him was a shock.

"I-I can't believe this." I felt disgusted. Maybe if I continue being with Ciara, she would treat me like how she treated Jason. I suddenly felt a little bit guilty. Maybe Maisie got it all wrong. "Is this really what happened?"

"It's what everyone said." I let out a groan.

"That's what everyone said? You don't even know if it's true or not." I said, feeling the need to protect Ciara.

"Just look for yourself! It looks like she already brainwashed you into thinking that she's just a good girl." She said in disbelief.  I shook my head. Even though all this could've happened, I still don't know if I should believe it or not. I plopped on my bed and screamed into my pillow. What is going on?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2018 ⏰

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