A Serious Rule (nine)

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"What the fuck, Emeri? Are you out of your damn mind?" Maisie yelled. I flinched at her tone and just sat still on her bed. 

"Do I need to remind you of what she did to me all those years?" She asked, her eyes blazing. I shook my head, remembering all the times that Maisie and Ciara fought over the most pettiest shit.

"I don't understand why you hate each other that much. She's your cousin, Maisie." I spoke, my hand on my forehead to try to stop the incoming headache I could feel coming.

"Why do you need to remind me that I'm related to that piece of shit?" She asked angrily, leaning on her door frame with a smoothie in her hand. By this time, I couldn't handle her yelling so I stood up from her bed and began walking to the door.

"No, wait, Emeri!" Maisie yelled when my foot was halfway out of her bedroom door. 

"What?" I said, snapping my neck to her, almost giving myself whiplash. I crossed my arms and gave her the most annoyed glare I could muster.

"Please, just stay away from her." She pleaded, a sad look in her eyes. I shook my head at her and exited the room.

Ciara isn't that bad, is she?


"Fancy seeing you here," Hayden said as she plopped herself down next to my desk. I rolled my eyes at her and giggled.

"It's not like we go to the same school or anything," I smirked. She smiled She looked like she was about to say something when Ciara walked into the room with her friend right behind her. Her friend was basically a carbon copy of Ciara in every way except appearance. She had brown hair and was short while Ciara was close to 6 feet tall. Her friend pointed at Hayden and I and giggled while Ciara rolled her eyes at her and flipped her off.

"What was that all about?" Hayden whispered to me as Ciara and her friend sat right behind us. Ciara was directly behind me while her friend was directly behind Hayden. I leaned over to her and heard Ciara scoff behind me. I turned around and giggled before whispering into her ear,

"Watch out,"


The majority of the class was boring until I heard Hayden shriek loudly, alerting the whole class. I looked behind at there stood Ciara and her friend, giggling to each other like little school girls. Both of their hands were empty but I saw an empty water bottle sitting on Ciara's desk. 

"Oh, you bitches." Hayden said with venom in her voice before lunging at both Ciara and her friend. The girls were screaming at each other and rolling around on the classroom floor.

"Fuck off, Hayden!" Ciara yelled. I ran over and pulled Hayden off of Ciara and Audrey (I learned her name after both Hayden and Ciara were screaming at her). 

"Knock it off, guys. Okay?" I said, trying to calm down Ciara and Hayden as they were locked into each other's deadly gazes. I examined their faces and they all looked fine except Hayden as she had multiple scratches on her face and her lip was bruised and bleeding.

"What the fuck, guys?" I yelled at them. They flinched and look ashamed of themselves. I bent down to Hayden and examined her face. Her beautiful brown eyes watched my every move as I reached out and gently touched her lip, careful not to go over her cuts. My eyes trailed up and down her face before stopping at her eyes. 

She bit her lip but yelped afterwards. I giggled while she blushed. I leaned closer and my eyes instantly flicked to her lips. I stopped just inches away from her lips. I felt her breath on my lips and I moved closer. At that moment in time I forgot there was other people in the class. I could only hear my heartbeat and only feel Hayden's eyes on me. We both leaned in and I could almost feel her lips against mine when Ciara screamed and lunged at me, trapping me under here.

"What the hell, Ciara? She's MINE!" Hayden yelled. I pushed  Ciara off me, sighed, and walked out of the classroom. Despite their yelling and fighting.


I was sitting on my bed studying for a test I have tomorrow when Ciara burst through the door with a bouquet of white roses and a box of chocolates in her hand. The sudden noise scared me as I shrieked. I rolled my eyes at her and put back on my headphones and bobbed my head as Khalid came on.

"Oh come on, babe." She pouted, giving me an adorable pout while walking over to my bed. I sat up and gave her a mean glare.

"Um, what do you think you're doing?" I asked. She gave me a seductive look as she answered,

"Trying to win you over, what does it look I'm doing?" I gulped. She forced me onto my back and  I shivered under her touch as her hands roamed my body. She went up and down but stopped on my face. She leaned down slowly.

"Don't listen to what that bitch says, Emeri." I stared at her confused.

"Who?" I asked in a low whisper. She shook her head at me and leaned down even further.

"Hayden. She's wrong. You are mine Emeri, and I am yours." She said simply and sat back up. She handed me the bouquet of roses and the box of chocolates before giving me a quick peck on the lips that left me speechless. She stood up and headed for the door. I thought she was gonna leave but when she reached the doorway she turned around and looked at me with a deadly look in her eyes.

"Don't think that you are forgiven for that almost lip lock you had with her earlier." She said simply before blowing me a kiss and walking out the door. 

I didn't realize I was holding my breath until I heard  myself exhale deeply out of relief when the front door slammed shut.

What is she doing to me?

a/n: thank you guys for 1k reads! i was in shock when i saw that. thank you all.

My Best Friend's Enemy (lesbian)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum