Chapter 2- The Boy

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* Catherine's POV *
I woke up a little early so I could be on time today. I decided to take a little walk to get some energy. I walked by a skateboard shop and decided to go in and take a look. Using a skateboard could be helpful, you know? I saw one with a bunch of dark red roses on the bottom. I took it up the the front and paid for it then walked out. I looked at the time, it was 20 minutes before work so I started to head there.

* 3rd POV *
Catherine came in 10 minutes early. There was a couple of her coworkers there already, setting up the coffee maker and other things. She stood at the counter and drew on a napkin. She drew a panda with a cup of coffee. She didn't notice that there was a customer at the counter. "Excuse me?" Catherine was startled by them speaking so suddenly. "Oh! Sorry for being so rude, what would you like today?" She looked up to see a gorilla around her age, he seemed sweet and, really handsome, she had to admit. She took the order blushing the whole time. While she was making the drink, he saw the napkin and wrote his number. Catherine came back with the drink, the boy thanked her and left the cafe.

* Catherine's POV *
Am I still blushing? Did HE see me blushing? Who am I kidding, I'll never see him again, I should just get over it while I can. I stuffed the napkin in my pocket, that drawing isn't worth throwing away, it was good! I was told by my boss that I could leave early, he never says that! I swear I thanked him 8 times before grabbing my skateboard and leaving the cafe. I looked out to see an alley way and a couple of policemen walking past it. The next thing you know, glass is broken and sirens are going off. I saw a truck drive through the alley and a couple of gorillas jump in. It pulls off quickly to escape the cop cars. I dropped my skateboard and start to follow the car. There was another gorilla following after the truck. I saw him, it was the guy in the cafe! The gorilla on the back part of the truck pulled him into the truck. I hope the escape the cops safely.

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