Part 7- Meeting

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* 3rd POV *
Arrow and Catherine kept talking only to be interrupted by Buster."ok everyone, it's about 7:00 so I'm going to send you all home.Have a good night!" Catherine said goodbye to Arrow and headed to her apartment. She was tired enough to go to sleep early, so when she walked into her room, she fell on the bed and started to drift off to sleep. She felt a buzz from her phone, she flinched because of this. It was from buster,"practice will be every Wednesday! Don't forget." She replied back with an ok and went to sleep.

* next morning *
Catherine woke up to her alarm, it was Monday so she got up and put on her uniform and headed out the door. She rode her skateboard to work and got there on time. She quickly took orders all day and waited for her lunch break. She had to tell her boss that she was going to be leaving early on Wednesdays for practice.

* Catherine's POV *
Now that I was on break, I had to tell my boss I would be leaving early on Wednesdays. I walked into his office, feeling a little nervous about how he was going to respond. He looked up when I opened the door,"hello Catherine, what do you need?" "Um, I'm not going to be able to come in on Wednesdays because I have rehearsals for a show I'm in." He looked at me with concern, I started to sweat."I'm sorry Catherine, I can't allow that. I don't have any other cashier but you and Jennifer, and if you'll excuse me, I have to work on a few papers." I walked out, slamming the door slightly. I can't believe him! This is why I hate my job, I'm never aloud to leave when I really need to. I'm gonna have to find a way to sneak out without him knowing. It was 5:46, several minutes before the end of the day, I told Jennifer that I was going to head out a few minutes early. She was ok with it thank goodness. At 6:23 I gathered my things and headed out. I decided to just head back to the apartment. While riding back, I felt a buzz from my phone. I slowed down and grabbed it from my pocket, it was from Johnny. "Hey Catherine! The group is going out for lunch tomorrow, you wanna join?" I'm glad that we're doing things together, like we're a family."sure,I'd love to!" I put my phone back in my uniform pocket and made it back to my building.

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