Chapter 4- Auditons

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(The pic above is what Catherine looks like!)
* 3rd POV *
Catherine got up early enough to get to the theater. She put on a white crop top, a red flannel, navy blue leggings, and black boots. She didn't worry about work because it was Saturday, luckily. She grabbed her skateboard and headed to the theater. To her surprise, there wasn't too many people in line, but she did have to wait. To pass time she listened to music thinking of the song she was going to sing for the audition. She decided on "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten. After about a hour of waiting, it was her turn.

* Catherine's POV *
I walked onto the stage to see a koala and lizard. "Hi Catherine! What will you be singing for us today?" The koala known as buster moon asks."Hello! I will be singing "Fight Song"." I started to sing, I was pretty confident... until I looked at their faces. Their eyes were wide and mouths were open. Though I felt awful, I had to finish the song, I had a pit in my stomach and tears that threatened to spill. When the song ended, I blinked my tears away and waited for buster to say I could leave. "That.was.AMAZING! Thank you and good luck, Catherine!" The pit in my stomach disappeared and turned into joy. I walked offstage with a positive attitude and waited for everyone else to audition.

* timeskip *
Buster called everyone back to stage. He started to pick people to sing in the competition. He started with the groups, he first chose a trio of frogs and one of the two porcupines, the girl named ash. He moved on to the rest, he chose mike, the mouse I saw on the street. Then he stopped in front of me and told me I was in the show. I couldn't believe it, I was in the competition! I went backstage and watched the rest of the picking. He paired two pigs together named Rosita and Gunter, he also chose a cheetah named arrow, and then I saw him, the guy from the cafe! I didn't know he could sing. I was too caught up in my thoughts I didn't see him walking offstage.I felt bad for him, he looked pretty nervous up there. There was an incident with the guy buster had chosen so he called the gorilla back. "Johnny, get back over here. You're in!" Johnny ran back onto the stage and walked behind the curtains. I tapped him to get his attention. He turned around to face me."Your'e the girl from the cafe, right?" I nodded, "it's nice to see you again! I'm Johnny." "I'm Catherine, I hope we can be friends..." I trailed off, I forgot that I didn't have friends. Would he be my friend, or did he see what everybody else sees? "Catherine? You there?" I looked up to face Johnny,"sorry, I zoned out for a second." "It's ok, I was going to say, of course we can be friends! You seem pretty cool and you're nice, so why not?" I started to blush. I've never been called cool! "Ok!"

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