Chapter 10- Problems

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* 3rd POV *
After a few weeks of practice and skipping work, things started to go downhill. Catherine was notified by her boss that if she kept walking out on Wednesdays, she would face consequences. This worried her a bit, she would have to tell someone that she had to leave instead of just running out hoping that nobody saw her. The next Wednesday, she told Jennifer that she was going to head out. Jennifer looked at her with a bit of concern but allowed her to go. The fox thanked her and ran out to the theater. When she caught her breath, she remembered that Buster had convinced a woman named Nana Noodleman to sponsor the show, and that they were going to preform for her. She had made her way into the theater and was surprised at what she saw.

* Catherine's POV *
I walked in to see that the stage was see-through and had jellyfish in it. I couldn't believe it, I didn't think Buster would go all out for this sponsor. Buster and Arrow ran up to me and dragged me to the back to get changed. I was wearing a black shirt so I had to change into the tank top and take off my flannel. I was looking for the skirt but couldn't find it. I didn't bother to look for it so I kept my leggings on and waited for Nana to get here. Johnny came up to me to say hello. We talked for awhile till Buster said that Nana was here and to take places. Buster was wondering where mike was, and told us he wasn't even in costume. We didn't bother to look for him, it was too late anyway. Buster went onto the moon and the elephant I knew as Meena operated the moon to fall slowly and land Buster onto the stage. He introduced himself and welcomed the two sheep to the show, and made the jellyfish move in sync with the music. Everyone was in awe with the colors, until we heard the doors slam open. Three bears walked in asking for Buster. The middle one was holding Mike by the neck choking him, I felt kinda bad for him. Arrow looked irritated and upset, she was staring that bear down. Buster was a bit scared and told the Bears that he was Buster. They were asking for the money, while Mike was telling him to give them it so they couldn't choke him anymore. Buster was trying to reach for the keys until the lead bear crushed the chest into pieces. At this point they had dropped Mike and was gasping for air. Just as he caught his breath, he ran over to the wood and looked around for the money, all he pulled out was about 1,000 dollars. While we had faces of confusion, the Bears had the look of rage. They stomped on the glass stage and heard a crack. Everyone looked up to where the crack led, looks of fear on their faces. In a few seconds the theater was flooded with water, Meena flew out the doors and blocked the way out causing the water to rise. I couldn't see anything but rising water and the breaking building.

* 3rd POV *
The fox was trying to find someone, anyone. She needed her best friend to hold onto, to make her feel safe and tell her everything was going to be ok. She swam around until she found what she thought was the entrance and saw Johnny, she was going to get his attention but was interrupted by water covering her body. It was too late to take a breath before going under, the fox thought it was the end. She was forcefully dragged up to the surface, she took deep breaths and opened her eyes. She saw Johnny holding on to her so that she would stay up. "We have to go under again, we can't just stay here" he told Catherine. She nodded and took a breath before going back underwater. Johnny made it to Meena and pushed her so she could unblock the entrance. And in a second, they were pulled out and scattered onto the sidewalk. The fox looked around an failed to see where Johnny went, this made her worry. She got up and realized that she had a cut on her leg that was starting to hurt. She got back down and called for him so she didn't have to walk around on a hurt leg. In a few seconds, she saw the gorilla rushing towards her and picking her up bridal style. This instantly made her face heat up in embarrassment, as they were outside where everyone could see the two. Johnny walked over to the group and stood in awe. The building they had all known and loved had been destroyed, and in a few seconds crumbled to pieces. Buster had ran over to the pieces and pulled out a rusty bucket and held it close to his chest. The group heard sobbing and the sounds of cars surrounding them. But that wasn't the end of it...

Cliffhanger! This is a bit of a longer chapter because of all of the action happening, but I hope you like it!

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