Chapter 11- Pickup

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* 3rd POV *
Catherine's phone luckily still worked after the flood. She found out about this when she felt a buzz on her leg. She picked it up and saw it was a text from her boss. "Catherine, we need to talk ASAP! Come to the cafe as quickly as possible" "Do you want me to drop you off at your job?" Johnny asked. The fox nodded and Johnny carried her to his truck and put her in the passenger seat. Catherine noticed that she was still wearing Johnny's jacket, and blushed slightly. After about 10 minutes of awkward silence, the two were at the entrance of the cafe.

* Catherine's POV *
While I tried getting out of the door, I realized that my leg still hurt from the large cut I had gotten from the broken building. I didn't care at this point, I've been through too much today and I didn't want something as small as an injury to keep me from something important. Johnny waved from the window as he drove off, and I walked into the cafe. A few people looked up with worried faces, while others kept working on making coffee and such. I walked into my bosses office and I was welcomed with a serious look on his face. "Why weren't you here?" "Sir, I was at the th-" "THAT ISNT AN EXCUSE." My ears bent down and my tail dropped, he had never yelled at me before,"I GAVE YOU A WARNING ABOUT THIS BEFORE, AND IVE HAD IT. YOURE FIRED." My face dropped. This can't be happening, this was the only thing I was getting money from! Hot, angry tears built up as I slammed the door from anger. I walked out of the cafe I no longer called my job and walked home. In the distance, I heard thunder boom in the sky and interrupt my thoughts. To block out the noise, I plugged in the earbuds I had and turned on "happy" by Marina and the Diamonds. Her music had started to grow on me now that I had heard my backup song for the show. After what seemed like hours, I reached my apartment and dropped on the bed. I shivered from the cold air hitting my body, and fell asleep slowly. After a couple hours, my slumber was interrupted by knocking on the door. I sat up lazily and walked to the door and was greeted by the apartment owner. "Miss, I'm sorry but you haven't payed your rent for the past few months, and I've been forced to take you out of your apartment." My blood started to boil, but I nodded politely and grabbed my phone and earbuds. I left my stuff in the room, I have nowhere else to go. This left me with one option, and that was to stay on the streets. I cringed at this thought but I knew it was my only choice. I walked out the doors and felt a warm and moist atmosphere hit me. It was raining. I didn't have my flannel jacket and I gave Johnny's jacket back to him before he left. I ran down to an alley where I found a box, luckily big enough for me to fit in and shelter myself. After a long period of listening to the rain and crying here and there, I drifted off to sleep.

* 3rd POV *
Although it was raining, Johnny took a walk. It helped him think when he was having a rough time or when he was sad. Many thoughts scrambled his mind, so he organized them and went through each situation one by one. The first one was about the theater. "I feel pretty bad for Buster. He just lost his job in one day! It's crazy how the smallest action can change your life." The second thing on his mind was about Catherine. "She hasn't texted me in a while, maybe she's asleep. I can't get her out of my mind, I'm crazy about her! She's confident, talented, and sweet. I wish I had a way of asking her out though." And by coincidence, he looked down the alley he was passing to see the fox in a box sitting by the wall. She looked helpless and weak, shivering in the rain. Johnny picked the cold girl up and carried her to his truck. He once again put her in the passenger seat and put his jacket over her for a "blanket". The gorilla got in his own seat and drove to his house. It started to get dark, and Johnny was getting tired himself. He parked the car and went to get Catherine and bring her inside. After bringing her into his room, and putting her under the covers, Johnny decided to sleep in his fathers bed so that it wasn't awkward the next morning.

I wrote the last few sentences with a cat sleeping on my arm. And thank you for 300 reads!

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