Chapter 9- Skipping Work

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* Catherine's POV *
I woke up and realize that I had practice today, but I have to find a way to be there on time. I felt nervous on the way to work and the time I was there. I had to sneak out without a trace. This is almost impossible because my boss can find you if you leave and get you in trouble, it's almost like a horror movie. I went to get my skateboard when nobody was looking in my direction. I sprinted out the door and jogged a few stores down so no one could see that I was outside, and put my skateboard down and rode off. I was relieved, I made it out alive! I was still in uniform, unfortunately. I think Buster has a rack of clothes in the back, hopefully I can find something decent to wear for practice. After a few minutes, I was there and walking into the theater. I greeted Buster and asked if he had any charges I could change into. He nodded excitedly and led me backstage. "This is a perfect time to show you my ideas for your outfit!" I got a little nervous, what if it's not my style? He pulled out a strapless crop top and a deep red skirt. This, is not the theme on the song! It's too formal, people at war don't wear a skirt and crop top at war. He saw my expression and asked if I didn't like it. I felt bad, but told him that it didn't really fit how the song sounds. "I was thinking that you could've been an angel that is looking above at the war, but maybe I should change it sinc-" "no! I actually really like that idea Buster. Sorry for hurting your feelings, I was being rude." He smiled and accepted my apology. While waiting for my turn, Johnny rushed in looking tired. I greeted him and he smiled. I was called to the stage after a little bit, and walked up confidently. I started singing in sync with the music, amusing myself and my friends around me. I saw the same look on Busters face when I first auditioned, but I wasn't scared. I knew it was a good sign. I finished the song and looked at Buster, and smiled confidently. He told me I did great and was definitely ready for the show. I walked offstage and looked through my phone to see if I had got any messages. I heard a walkie talkie going off speaking to the owner. It seemed to be coming from Johnny's jacket. He answered right away, saying he would meet the person on the other line shortly. He looked up to see if anyone was looking and we made eye contact. "Um, please don't tell anyone about this, please?" I looked at him with ease,"I won't tell a soul, don't worry." He looked at me with relief and went off to tell Buster that he had to go. Thank god he already went up for practice, that would take up more time for him. I spent the rest of my time listening to music and talking to everyone until it was time to go. I was walking to my apartment building when I decided to text Johnny to see how his day went after leaving practice. "Hey Johnny! How did everything go?" "Hey Catherine, not so well. I'm on the way to prison. My dad got arrested." " Oh my god that's awful. I'll meet you there in about 5 minutes." I rode over to the prison and looked for Johnny. He must've been talking to his dad since I didn't see him at the entrance. A little while later, I saw him walking out of the doors. I jumped up to talk to him and see what happened. "Hey, how did it go?" He looked defeated, " I told him I want to be a singer and he hates me now.." My face fell, I felt so bad for him. His own dad didn't appreciate his passion, his talent. We both walked out quietly and I saw tears in his eyes. I quickly jumped up and hugged him. He hugged back tightly and I felt liquid on my shoulder. I sobbed quietly as I comforted him, until he broke away and we walked home. He dropped me off at my apartment building after al little bit. "Hey, thanks for coming with me and comforting me when I was sad. It really means a lot" I looked up, "anytime, Johnny. Know that I'm here when you need it, ok?" "Ok." I parted from him to walk to the doors, "wait, Catherine?" "Ye-" I was cut off by him kissing my cheek. I blushed like crazy as he smiled and said goodbye. And as I was going to bed, I thought about it and how great it was.

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