My little sister.

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Athena's POV.

•week later•

So me and my dad are completely moved in now.. I have a room next to Ava. Tanners is on the other end of the hall. There house is amazingly huge. But anyway.

We have 5 weeks off of school.

Someone died so they have a big investigation going on and no ones aloud inside the school unless permitted. So yeah.

It was some new kid so no one was really his friend.

It's Sunday. I woke up and sighed. Looking around my new room, it's amazing. It's 3 times the size of my old one. I got up and put my hair in a pony tail. I had on a crop top, and pajama pants. I went into my bathroom.. MY OWN FUCKING BATHROOM.

I smiled and washed my face then brushed my teeth. I put on my fuzzy slippers and walked downstairs. I went into the kitchen and ran to the food that was freshly made, there was a note next to it.

Dear Athena, Tanner, and Ava,

We went out, we should be back by 10. Order some pizza or Chinese. Love you guys.

Love, your parents.

I got a plate of food and ate. I heard footsteps and I looked up at Tanner.. He was in boxers and only boxers. I nearly drooled.

"Morning." His low raspy, morning voice came out.

My mouth opened slightly.

Stop he's your step brother. Dumb shit.

"M-orning." I coughed. He looked up at me and stared at my chest for a second then looked at my face, smirking a bit.

"If this makes you uncomfortable then I'll put som-

"Nope. All good." I cut him off and he laughed, getting some food. Me and Tanner laughed. We started to talk about stupid stuff when we both heard uncontrollable sobs and footsteps.

"Ta-tanner!?" Ava came into the living room, crying loudly. I frowned and Tanner did too. He ran to her, giving her a big hug.

"Shh.. What's wrong sweetie?" He hushed her. He sat down, pulling her onto his lap as she cried uncontrollable. I sat next to Tanner and rubbed her back softly.

"Ava?.. Hun?, what'd he do?" I whispered, knowing it was a boy.

"He brok- broke up w-with me.." She cried out. I saw anger in Tanner eyes.. He passed me Ava and I hugged her tight.

"What happened?" I said as I put her hair up into a messy bun. I'm treating her like a 2 year old but her hearts broken..

"H-he.. He said.." She sobbed quietly. I just held her, rocking her back and forth.

"I'm going out.. I'll be back." Tanner spat, walking out the door. His jaw was locked and his fist were balled.

"He.. He said I wasn't good enough.. That I was a j-joke.. He hates me Athena! He us-used me!" She sobbed. I sighed and frowned, holding her close.

"Wanna go shopping? We could go anywhere you want. It's on me." I said quietly, she gently nodded her head. I smiled and picked her up, running upstairs. She laughed a bit and I threw her on her bed.

"WHAT TO WEAAAARRRR!?" I yelled, looking through her huge closet.

My little sister..


Tanners POV.

"Little fucker! Why'd you break her heart, Chaz!?" I screamed at the 14 year old scum bag who broke Ava's heart. He started shaking and frowned.

"I-I'm sorry... Please! Leave me alone!.." He started crying and I laughed, hard. I threw him on the ground and kicked him in the stomach.

"You ever, and I mean ever talk to her again or even talk about her again, I will literally shove your head in your ass. Got it?" I said as I grabbed his hair roughly. He groaned and nodded quickly as his tears fell. I dropped him on his ass and walked away. I fixed my jacket. My jeans hung low on my hips, I pulled them up a bit and headed home.

•skipping ride•

"Holding back the faces I would make.. I'm the fan and your the rock star, making it hard on me." I heard a voice sing.. It was Justin Bieber's voice.. He's a cool dude. Call me a fag but he has some good songs. I walked into the kitchen and saw a back. Her hair was flowing down her back, she wore skinny jeans and a crop top and converse..

"I try to maintain so don't mind if I turn away.. Oohh. I try to maintain so don't mind if I turn awaaayyy oh they hold on tight.. " she continued to sing.. Her voice is beautiful. She turned around and it was.. Athena. I looked at her dark green eyes as they sparkled. She blushed heavily and turned the radio off quickly.

"I-I uh.." She started to say.. But stopped and looked down quickly.

"That was amazing Athena." I breathed out. She looked up and shrugged, smiling.

"Thanks.. Hey, where did you go?" She asked and I tensed up shaking my head lightly.

"To a friends house.. Is she okay now?" I asked. She nodded with a smile.

"She asked for you not to long ago. She's in the living room-" I ran to the living room and saw her on the couch.. Tears falling down her cheeks. I looked to see that she was watching Breaking Dawn Part 2 ..

"WHAT KIND OF BULLSHIT!?" She screamed. I bursted into laughter and sat next to her, hugging her tightly.

"Don't cuss.. I'll let this one slide because that part sucked. Why would they-.. Alright anyway. How are you?" She giggled lightly and hugged me. I've always been very protective of Ava, she's my baby sister. She's getting bigger and that douche bag broke her, I will literally kill anyone for Ava.

"Pretty good." She nodded with a smile, I wiped her tears and kissed her head. We ended up talking all night.

I couldn't stop thinking of Athena..

Her beautiful voice..

Her beautiful eyes..

Oh and that body... Damn..


I nodded to myself.. Calm down Tanner.. Not gonna happen.

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