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This playlist will be a bit different than most. This will consist of spoken words & story videos that help explain the roller coaster which is My Brother's Best Friend.

 This will consist of spoken words & story videos that help explain the roller coaster which is My Brother's Best Friend

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When the Fat Girl Gets Skinny | Blythe Baird (recommended by @Ikilledsomeone)

Learning to be Ugly | Ash Hardell (recommended by vegetarians_unite)

For Fat Girls Who Considered Starvation When Bulimia Wasn't Enough | Rachel Wiley

5 Reasons to Date a Girl With an Eating Disorder | Megan Maughan

"Skinny" | Aisha Oxley

Pro Ana | Sierra DeMulder (starts 2 minutes in)

For Girls Who Had Eating Disorders Not "Bad Enough" For Treatment | Kerri Lowe

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For Girls Who Had Eating Disorders Not "Bad Enough" For Treatment | Kerri Lowe

A Story About My Eating Disorder | TheGabbieShow

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